This Preschool Sports Theme page is filled with preschool activities and ideas for all areas of your classroom.
There are enough activities to spend anywhere from one to three weeks on this theme! Ways to use this theme page:
You can focus on one sport for a day or two.
You can add your own activities and focus on one sport for an entire week.
You can focus on sports for a week and have a different sports focus in each interest center!
Have fun! Mix and Match!
You'll find more themes to help you with your planning on my preschool themes page.
There are over 75 activities on this page. Some Interest Centers listed are missing activities. Do you have one you'd like me to add? GREAT! Use the Contact Me button to the left to send your idea my way.
Are there sports not listed on this page that you think should be? Use the "Contact Me" form to the left to send it to me--be sure to tell me the name of the Sport and details of your activities and I'll add it to this page!
Let the Preschool Sports Theme planning begin!
You can either scroll down through this page to see each of the Sports Themes or click each link below
to go to the specific sport that you want!
Looking for a theme that's just All About Balls??
Let the Theme planning begin!
You can either scroll down through this page to see all of the preschool activities for your theme or click the link below to go to specific preschool activity types you are looking for.
Before beginning, let's talk about Dramatic Play! For this theme, I am suggesting the same Dramatic Play idea: A Sporting Goods Store! Just change it out to reflect more of a focus on the sport you are covering that day or week.
For example, you may add more baseball caps and shirts (borrowed from families) during your Baseball Day or Week.
CIRCLE TIME General Sports Idea
Shoes! Thank you Mary N. for this idea!
At circle time (and other times), you could talk about and compare the different kinds of shoes that each sport used!
SENSORY General Sports Idea Thank you Nagwan, for this idea!
Buy small plastic different kinds of balls and put it at the table with colored water
Baseball Preschool Sports Theme Ideas
Art Center
Shaving Cream Baseballs
Materials Needed: shaving cream, white paper, paint, pipettes
Spray baseball sized mounds of shaving cream on each child's paper. They add paint to their "baseball" and enjoy! This will make some great designs on the paper!
Team Pennant
Materials needed: Large construction paper, pennant shaped stencil (made from a file folder), markers, scissors, miscellaneous arts and craft supplies, glue
The children trace and cut out a pennant shape. They glue on items and use markers to represent their favorite team or to make up their own team!
Block Center
Building a baseball or football stadium using blocks! (Thanks Mellissa for this idea!)
Circle Time
What Ball is That?
Place different balls, one at a time, in a feely box (you can make one by cutting a hole out of the side of a shoe box).
Let the children guess which type of ball they think it is.
Then, place all the balls in and ask if they can pull out the baseball!
Sports Charades
Act out different sports (have the children do this) while the others guess the sport.
Cooking Time!
Sugar Cookie Baseballs
Make your favorite batch of sugar cookies with the children.
Have them decorate with icing or whipped topping.
Sprinkle or pinch using their fingers, red sprinkles to make the red threads on the balls (or use small pieces of red licorice like Twizzlers thins).
Dramatic Play Center
Sporting Goods Store
Add baseballs, baseball caps, t-shirts, bats of different types and sizes, bases, etc.
In addition: Play cash register and money; bags for purchases; paper to print receipts on; employee name badges;
Easel Ideas
It's Outta Here!
Okay, not really! But...try this!
In advance, draw baseballs on the easel paper using white crayons on white paper (press down firmly when doing this).
When the children come to paint, they will find those "fly balls"! The paint will not stick to the crayon drawings!
Be prepared, they may love this so much that they will want to draw their own designs on paper and paint over it!
Gross Motor Activities/Games
But of Course! If you do not have access to a t-ball set, try making your own by balancing a ball on a PVC pipe that you secure in the grass!
Library/Book Ideas
(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website. If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )
Math/Manipulatives Center
Glove and Ball Matching Game
In advance, print and laminate 10-12 glove shapes and 10-12 baseball shapes.
Place dots (or draw with a marker) on each glove so that there is one dot on one glove, two on the next and so on until you reach 10 or 12.
On the baseball shapes, print a number on each (1-10 or 12).
The children match the ball to the glove.
For a self correcting game, print the correct number on the back of each glove.
PLAY (dough) BALL!
Materials needed: white play dough, muffin tins, large craft sticks (1 for each child), marker
Each child prints his/her name on a craft stick. This is their baseball bat.
The children pinch and roll play dough into small baseballs.
They use their "bats" to hit the play dough into the muffin tins!
Extend this activity by removing the craft sticks and adding numbers to the bottom of each muffin section. The children then count the correct number of baseballs that they have made into each tin.
Music/Movement Ideas
Take Me Out To The Ball Game!
Sing this tradition song!
Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd;
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
I don't care if I never get back.
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win, it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game.
Baseball Player (sung to Frere Jacques)
Baseball player, baseball player
Swing the bat, hit the ball (Pretend to swing a baseball bat.)
Run around the bases, run around the bases (Pretend to be running.)
Homerun, homerun
Sensory Center(Water/Sand Table)
Thank you, Rhonda, for this idea:
I usually take mini foam balls representing various sports and place them in the sensory bin. I usually have a couple of them cut open so the children can explore what the inside texture of the ball feels like.
Science Center
Baseball Discovery
Place a few baseballs at your science table.
Ask the children what they think is inside a baseball.
List all their guesses.
Cut one open (either in advance or in front of the children).
Let them explore what the balls are made of.
The following link is a time lapse video from youtube to show what is inside a baseball!
Writing Center
Plate Ball Tracing
Materials needed: Sturdy paper plates (like Chinette brand), red thin markers
The children place the plate on the table upside down (the part they typically put food in would be facing the table and they are doing this activity on the bottom of the plate).
Have children draw red lines on a curve shape to be the baseball threads. This is great fine motor practice for them! (There is a picture of this on my Pinterest Sports Theme Board. The link to my Pinterest Board is at the bottom of this page).
You can also lightly trace the lines with pencil in advance for the children to trace over.
Have them print their name.
Take the children and plates outside or to a big room for them to use the plates as frisbees!
Basketball Preschool Sports Theme Ideas
Art Center
Basketball Tissue Collage
Materials needed: orange tissue paper, black tissue paper, scissors, white construction paper, markers, circle shaped stencils (optional), watered down glue (slightly thin), brushes,
The children trace the circle stencil on their white paper and cut out or they can draw their own large circle shape (remember, it's about the process, don't worry if it's not exactly round!).
They brush their circle with glue.
They cut (or rip) pieces of orange tissue paper and place on the circle.
They cut (or rip) black pieces of tissue paper to make the black lines on the basketball.
Block Center
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Circle Time
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Cooking Time!
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Dramatic Play Center
Sporting Goods Store
Add basketballs, (regular, Nerf, foam, etc.), t-shirts, sneakers, a basket ball net to practice with!
In addition: Play cash register and money; bags for purchases; paper to print receipts on; employee name badges;
Easel Ideas
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Gross Motor Activities/Games
Provide large bins, laundry baskets, boxes, etc. and basketballs (regular, Nerf, etc.) for shooting practice.
Provide a child sized basket ball net for shooting practice.
Library/Book Ideas
(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website. If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )
Math/Manipulatives Center
Basketball Bingo
In advance, choose pictures that are basketball related: sneakers, basketballs, team jerseys, basket ball nets, basket ball courts, etc.
Make up Bingo cards with 9 spaced on each card (use the back of notebooks or file folders for the cards).
Glue 9 pictures on each (don't worry, some cards can have the same pictures on them!).
Be sure you make an extra picture for the calling cards!
Music/Movement Ideas
Basketball Player (sung to Frere Jacques)
Basketball player, basketball player
Dribble the ball, down the court (Pretend to be bouncing a basketball.)
Stop and shoot a basket, stop and shoot a basket. (Pretend to shoot a basketball.)
Two points, two points. (Hold up two fingers.)
Sensory Center(Water/Sand Table)
Ball Tunnels
Materials needed: Orange ping pong balls!
Draw black lines on the balls to make them look like basketballs.
Add them to your sand table with spoons.
The children can dig tunnels to try and roll the balls on.
They can use the spoons to pass the ball back and forth as well!
Science Center
Is it Just Air?
Ask the children what they think is inside a basketball.
List all their guesses.
In front of the children, cut open a basketball to explore what is in it!
Writing Center
Basketball Letters
Materials needed: LOTS of orange ping pong balls OR you can use orange milk/orange juice plastic caps.
Print letters on the balls or caps using a black marker.
Place in a bin.
The children find the letters for their name to spell out!
Bowling Preschool Sports Theme Ideas
Art Center
Bowling Ball Art
Materials needed: LONG pieces of paper, watered down paint, bowling balls
Tape paper to the floor.
Drop paint all over the paper.
Let children bowl across the paper!
Block Center
Set up ramps and provide different sized balls for the children to "bowl" down the ramp.
See how many blocks they can knock over using the ramp and count them!
Circle Time
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Cooking Time!
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Dramatic Play Center
Sporting Goods Store
Add bowling balls (10 pin, candle pin and duck pin if you can! as well as plastic bowling balls), bowling pins, plastic containers made into pins, bowling shoes (see if you can borrow some from a bowling alley) t-shirts, etc.
In addition: Play cash register and money; bags for purchases; paper to print receipts on; employee name badges;
Easel Ideas
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Gross Motor Activities/Games
Bowling, of course!
Ask parents if they can donate a plastic bowling set if they have any.
Make your own by putting a small amount of sand in the bottom of 1 liter bottles and use different balls to bowl with.
Go on a field trip to go bowling if you can!
Library/Book Ideas
(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website. If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )
Math/Manipulatives Center
Bowling Color Sorting
Materials needed: wide rulers, pom poms (variety of colors), corresponding colored paper circles (to fit in muffin tins), muffin tins, marker
Place colored paper circles in tins of the muffin tins.
The children place the corresponding colored pom poms in each tin.
They can use the rulers to "bowl" the pom pom into the tin!
VARIATION: Use a marker to print numbers on white paper circles inside each compartment of the muffin tins.
The children "bowl" that many pom poms into the tins.
Music/Movement Ideas
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Sensory Center(Water/Sand Table)
Glue Yarn Bowling Balls
Provide several small bins (or place 3 bins into your large sensory table.).
In the first bin, provide long lengths of yarn.
In the next bin add watered down white glue.
In the third bin, provide inflated, 5" balloons.
Leave the 4th bin empty.
I'd suggest allowing 2-4 children ONLY at one time.
The children take a piece of yarn from bin 1.
They dip it in the glue in bin 2 and squeeze some of the glue off.
They choose a balloon from bin 3.
They stand over bin 4 as they wrap the yarn around the balloon.
Place the wrapped balloons on wax paper (print child's name near their balloon) to dry.
When dry, pop and remove the balloon.
You now have a hardened bowling ball!
Science Center
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Writing Center
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Football Preschool Sports Theme
Art Center
Stuffed Footballs
Materials needed: paper, paint, stapler, football shaped stencils, scissors, newspaper
The children trace and cut 2 football shapes.
They paint them. Let dry. Paint the cross lines on them if they wish when dry.
They staple the football 3/4 of the way around, leaving enough space to stuff.
They crumple newspaper and stuff the football.
Finish by stapling the opening.
Football Rubbings
In advance, cut out footballs shapes of different sizes from file folders or other thin but sturdy paper.
Place on the table and let the children place a white piece of paper over the stencils.
They use markers or the sides of crayons to color the paper, which will reveal the football shapes!
Block Center
Goal Posts!
Provide PVC piping for the children to make goalpost shapes with.
Secure to floor using blocks or in a bowl or tube.
Give the children small footballs to use (like hacky sacks!).
Circle Time
PASS the Football
Play a game of pass the football by bringing a real football, a CD Player and a CD to circle time.
The children pass (not throw) or toss the ball to the person next to them while the music is playing.
When you stop the music, the child holding the football yells "TOUCHDOWN!".
Continue play!
What's Missing
On the floor in front of you, place football related items (shoulder pad, helmet, ball, jersey, knee pad)
Cover with a blanket and remove one item.
Have children guess which item is missing.
Cooking Time!
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Dramatic Play Center
Sporting Goods Store
Add footballs, Nerf footballs, hackey sacks, etc., cleats, helmets, football jerseys, etc.
In addition: Play cash register and money; bags for purchases; paper to print receipts on; employee name badges;
Easel Ideas
My Play Book
Provide cups of water instead of cups of paint. Use large black construction paper.
The children dip chalk (thin and wide) into the water and then draw on the black paper.
Suggestion: If you mix salt (a lot of it!) into the water when it is warm so it dissolves, when the pictures dry, they will be frosty looking!
Gross Motor Activities/Games
Football Practice Throwing
Yup, what better way to learn hand/eye control and develop those hand muscles than throwing a ball!
With that said, be sure the children know NOT to go and get the ball after they throw so that they do not get hit by someone throwing the footballs. This needs to be highly supervised!
Pin the Football in the Goalpost!
You get the idea! Draw a LARGE goal post, make footballs and let the children play this variation on Pin The Tail On The Donkey!
Library/Book Ideas
(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website. If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )
Math/Manipulatives Center
Football Lacing
Materials needed: Sturdy tag board, hole puncher, shoestrings or lacing strings
Make football shapes from the tag board. Paint/color to look like footballs.
Hole punch around the edges as well as in the middle where the cross stitching would be.
The children lace away!
Music/Movement Ideas
Football Player (sung to Frere Jacques)
Football player, football player
Throw the ball, (Hold one hand back like you are going to throw a football.)
Catch the pass. (Pull both hands to chest as if catching a football)
Run and don't get tackled, run and don't get tackled. (Pretend to run.)
Touchdown, touchdown (Hold both arms straight up to signal a touchdown.)
Sensory Center(Water/Sand Table)
How Heavy?
Provide different balls and a scale. Let children weigh them (a balance scale would be great!).
You could also provide football items only and have them weigh them.
Science Center
What's in this Ball?
In front of the children, cut open a football to explore what is inside!
Writing Center
Name and Number
Materials needed: Stencils of football shape, pre-cut "cross marks" that are on footballs, scissors, variety of colors of construction paper, markers, glitter, glue
Give the children a pre-made stencil of a football shape.
They trace onto their choice of color and cut out.
Give them a pre-cut "cross mark" shape to glue on.
They print their name and favorite number.
You could also give them white glue to "paint" over the name and number and sprinkle with glitter!
(There is a picture of this activity on my Sports Theme board on Pinterest. The link to my Pinterest page is at the bottom of this page).
Golf Preschool Sports Theme Ideas
Art Center
Golf Ball Painting
Materials needed: Golf balls, shallow box/bin lid, watered down paint, paper
Mix the paint with a little water (it works better!).
Place a piece of paper in the box/bin lid.
Drop some paint (many colors are cool!) on different parts of the paper.
Place 2 golf balls on the paper.
Shake the box lid from side to side to make designs.
Be sure to let the children do all the steps of this project!
Block Center
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Circle Time
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Cooking Time!
Cheese Balls
Needed: 8 ounces cream cheese, 1 stick of softened butter, cups grated/shredded cheddar cheese, 1/2 package of dry onion soup mix.
Blend ALL ingredients together with the children.
Give each child a small amount to roll into a ball.
Serve with crackers. Let them use plastic knives to spread on crackers.
Dramatic Play Center
Sporting Goods Store
Add many colors of golf balls, golf clubs, golf bags, golf caps, t-shirts, golf tees, flags, etc.
In addition: Play cash register and money; bags for purchases; paper to print receipts on; employee name badges;
Easel Ideas
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Gross Motor Activities/Games
Pool Noodle Golf
Provide foam/Nerf balls and pool noodles (cut them so they are the proper length for the kids) to use as golf clubs.
See if a parent has a child version indoor golf game you can borrow!
Library/Book Ideas
(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website. If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )
Math/Manipulatives Center
Golf Ball Counting and Sorting
Materials needed: lots of golf tees and golf balls and bowls.
The children can sort the tees by color and the balls by color.
VARIATION: Get a square piece of Styrofoam. In advance, press the golf tees into the foam. The children then balance the balls on the tees.
Suggest different patterns of balls to balance.
Music/Movement Ideas
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Sensory Center(Water/Sand Table)
Sink or Float
Materials needed: ping pong balls, golf balls and other items.
Let children try and predict what will happen to each item. Ask why they think the item will sink or float. Then ask why they think the item actually sank or floated.
Science Center
Golf Ball Discovery
Place some golf balls at your science table along with a balance scale.
Show the children how to use the scale and then back up and let them have at it!
If possible, cut a golf ball in half in advance (or see if a parent who has the power tool to do so to do this for you!)
Ask the children what they think is inside a golf ball.
List all their guesses.
Show them the cut open golf ball.
Let them explore what the balls are made of.
Writing Center
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Soccer Preschool Sports Theme Ideas
Art Center
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Block Center
Soccer Field
Provide berry baskets (for soccer goals) and pom poms for soccer balls.
The children create a soccer field with blocks!
Circle Time
Let's Talk Sports! Thank you Chloe for this idea!
Talk about a sport and see if the children are familiar with it, for example football/soccer - do you know hat soccer is? what do the soccer players wear when they play? show pictures of jerseys and soccer boots or bring some in to school, Have they even been to a soccer match? Do they know any teams? Does anyone in their family like soccer etc.
Cooking Time!
Cookies! Thank you Chloe for this idea!
Also for the cooking they could make soccer ball cookies - make the dough into small balls and put chocolate chips or raisins on them to look like soccer balls.
Dramatic Play Center
Sporting Goods Store
Add soccer balls, shoes, jerseys, net goal, etc.
In addition: Play cash register and money; bags for purchases; paper to print receipts on; employee name badges;
Easel Ideas
Do A Dot Soccer Balls
Provide paint in Do A Dot holders (bingo daubers) for the children to decorate their own soccer balls.
Provide circle shaped paper on the easel.
Gross Motor Activities/Games
Indoor Soccer
Make a soccer net by hanging a sheet on a wall...that is the net area.
The children kick soft balls (not soccer balls indoors!)
Library/Book Ideas
(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website. If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )
Math/Manipulatives Center
Finger People Soccer Players
Give the children paper that is about 6 inches tall and 8 inches tall (rectangular).
Have them draw a picture of themselves.
Make two holes near the bottom where the knees would be on their person.
The children place their index finger in one hole and middle finger in another.
They then use their "person" to kick pom pom soccer balls!
Pentagons on Soccer Balls
Materials needed: MANY pre-cut pentagon shapes as well as some that need to be cut out for those wanting the practice (be sure to add a variety of colors, not just black); scissors; glue sticks and paper plates.
The children choose 8 pentagons (they should count them out loud) and then glue onto their paper plate.
Great math skills, 1-1 correspondence and eye-hand coordination skills!
Music/Movement Ideas
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Sensory Center(Water/Sand Table)
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Science Center
Soccer Ball Discovery
Place a few soccer balls at your science table.
Ask the children what they think is inside a soccer ball.
List all their guesses.
Cut one open (either in advance or in front of the children).
Let them explore what the balls are made of.
Writing Center
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Swimming Preschool Sports Theme
Art Center
Sparkly Waves
Materials needed: paper in a variety of colors, scissors (the shaped fiskars are great for this!), large paper, glue sticks, white glue and glitter (or glitter glue)
The children cut out shapes from the colored paper using the scissors.
They glue them onto a large paper using the glue sticks.
They brush over their "waves" using glitter glue or by using glue and then sprinkling glitter on it.
Swimmers for the Waves
While the above art project is drying, give each child a clothes pin and thin markers.
They make their clothes pin into a swimmer and use it to swim on their wave art!
Block Center
Pretend Pool
The children use the blocks to make a "pool" to swim in or to make "lengths" of the pool for them to swim in!
Circle Time
Baby Beluga
Sing this awesome song about a whale's swimming adventure (by Raffi).
It is more fun if you have the book with you and/or flannel board pieces!
Hokey Pokey Swim Time
Show the children different swimming strokes by doing them to the Hokey Pokey!
Breast stroke.
Back Stroke.
Doggie Paddle.
Cooking Time!
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Dramatic Play Center
Sporting Goods Store
Add bathing caps, goggles, swimsuits, floaties, pool noodles, towels, etc.
In addition: Play cash register and money; bags for purchases; paper to print receipts on; employee name badges;
Easel Ideas
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Gross Motor Activities/Games
Swim Stroke Freeze Game
Teach the children how to move their arms for different swimming strokes such as:
Back float
Breast Stroke
Dog Paddle
Practice them a few times.
Now, play music and tell them you will tell them how to "swim" to the other side of the room.
They must FREEZE when the music stops and listen for the new swim stroke to use!
Introduce them to "Free Swim" ...... the choose their own stroke!
Library/Book Ideas
(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website. If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )
Math/Manipulatives Center
Play dough Pool
Provide cookie sheets and a variety of colors of play dough.
Encourage the children to create a pool scene!
What do they like to do at the pool? Swim? Use noodles? Swimmies? Listen to the radio?
Encourage them to make each of these items!
Music/Movement Ideas
Swim Dancing
Provide crepe paper streamers and practice different swim strokes while holding them and listening to music.
Swimming, Swimming Song
(Sung to the tune of Sailing, Sailing)
(Act out!)
Swimming, Swimming, In the swimming pool.
Could you think of anything else that you would rather do?
Breast stroke. Side Stroke. Fancy diving, too!
Could you think of anything else that you would rather do?
Sensory Center(Water/Sand Table)
Duck Race!
Provide rubber ducks and let the children have a duck race!
Science Center
Swimming Goggles
Materials needed: swimming goggles, pre-cut foam oval pieces (for frames of pretend glasses), pipe cleaners (for headband and to connect the two oval eye pieces together).
Place some swimming goggles at your Science Table. Have the children try them on.
Ask why they think some swimmers wear goggles; what are the parts to the goggles (nose piece, head band, lenses)
Now make a pair with them using the materials at the table.
Their is a picture of this on my Pinterest Page under Sports Theme. The link to my Pinterest Page is at the bottom of this page.
Writing Center
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Tennis Preschool Sports Theme Ideas
Art Center
Tennis Ball Printing
Materials needed: many tennis balls, paint, paper
The children dip the ball into paint and then press onto the paper.
Take paper outside and let children BOUNCE the ball with paint on them onto the paper!
Tennis Ball Puppet
Materials needed: tennis balls, sharp knife (for teachers' use only), markers, yarn, craft glue.
In advance, cut a line into the tennis ball. This will be the mouth of the puppet (when you squeeze the ball from the sides of this slice mark, it opens and closes!).
The children decorate by using yarn for hair, markers to make lips and eyes, etc.
(Click my Pinterest link at the bottom of this page and check out my Sports Theme for a picture of a tennis ball puppet)
Block Center
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Circle Time
Story Time
Read your favorite story using a tennis ball puppet (see Art activities above)...this will keep their attention on the story as well as encourage them to go and make their own puppet!
Cooking Time!
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Dramatic Play Center
Sporting Goods Store
Add tennis rackets, badminton rackets, birdies, tennis balls, nets, etc.
In addition: Play cash register and money; bags for purchases; paper to print receipts on; employee name badges;
Easel Ideas
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Gross Motor Activities/Games
Game Time!
Play tennis using tennis rackets (but not as teams, just to practice hitting balls); using badminton rackets or even by using fly swatters and balloons!
Library/Book Ideas
Disclosure: I received free products in exchange for an honest review. All opinions on this page are mine! This post contains affiliate links.
Math/Manipulatives Center
Sorting Tennis Balls
Provide different colors of tennis balls and bins for the children to sort them into.
Suggest colored patterns for the children to repeat.
Pom Pom Tennis
Provide spoons, muffin tins and pom poms
The children use the spoons to "hit" the balls into the tins or to scoop them in!
Music/Movement Ideas
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Sensory Center(Water/Sand Table)
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Science Center
Baseball Discovery
Place a few tennis balls at your science table.
Ask the children what they think is inside a tennis ball.
List all their guesses.
Cut one open (either in advance or in front of the children).
Let them explore what the balls are made of.
Writing Center
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I KNOW, I know, you spend hours of time developing your preschool themes, activities and preschool lesson plans each week. You are commited to planning preschool themes and activities that are engaging hands-on, interactive, fun AND meet the goal of supporting each child’s level of growth and development.
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