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Preschool Newsletter for April 2014
March 27, 2014
Hi There!

April 2014 Preschool Primer Newsletter

Welcome to the twenty-eigth issue of the Preschool Plan-It Primer, a free newsletter from .

My hope is that you find information in each newsletter that is helpful to you- the Early Childhood Educator- as you work with this wonderful group called Preschoolers! This is the mini-newsletter that focuses on theme suggestions and new additions to the website.

The FULL newsletter is quarterly and goes out in March, June, September and December. To see back issues of the newsletters, go to Newsletter Back Issue Page

Stay current on all new pages added to the website! by "liking" Preschool Plan-It on Facebook at Preschool Plan It

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April 2014, Issue # 28

In This Issue:

Theme Suggestions for April

What’s New? Search It, Find It, Plan It!

Theme Suggestions for April


World Health Day is Monday April 7th! How about these themes?

Exercise and Fitness Theme

Nutrition Theme

Palm Sunday Theme Palm Sunday is on April 13th

Easter Theme (Christian) Easter Sunday is on April 20th

Easter Theme (General)

Arbor Day Theme This Theme can be used for Earth Day (April 22) or Arbor Day (April 25th)

Kite and Wind Theme April is National Kite Month!


Birds Theme

Caterpillars and Butterflies Theme This is the month to order your caterpillars for your classroom!

Hairdresser Theme April 30th is National Hairdressers' Day!

Planting Seeds Theme April is Garden Month!

Pond Life Theme

Mud Theme

What's New?

A NEW In-service training was added: Math in the Preschool Classroom!

Looking to get some in-service hours in this month? There are now TWO workshops available! These workshops might qualify in your state/province (check with your Director or Licensing Regulations to be sure):

Click here to go to the WORKSHOPS PAGE!

New Theme Pages Added

Armor of God Theme

Castles, Dragons, Kings and Queens Theme

Noah's Ark Theme

Pie Theme

Pizza Theme

Articles and Information Pages Added

The 6 Do's and Don'ts of Circle Time-Article

Circle Time Area Interest Center

In-Service Workshops

Looking to get some in-service hours in this month? These workshops might qualify in your state/province (check with your Director or Licensing Regulations to be sure):

Online Preschool Workshops

Themes now available for your E-Readers!

Many themes have been added as e-books for purchase, most of them priced at .99 (USD) each!

You can find the list of E-Books here! There is a small fee for each theme to help offset the time it takes to format and publish them. I will be formatting and publishing the remaining themes throughout the fall so that they are all available by the end of the year.

Other Available Resources on the Website:

Preschool Plan-It Amazon Store (Recommended Preschool Items)

My Store (Personal Books and Items for sale)

Product Review Page A page to find honest reviews on books and products I have personally read or used in the classroom.

Comments? Ideas for future newsletters? Feedback? This newsletter is written FOR you, so I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this zine and tell me what you think!

Until Next Time,


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