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Let's Dance the Classroom Floor Clean! April 2015 Newsletter
March 22, 2015
Hi There!

Dancing While We Clean!

Before we get started, let's do a little dance as a belated St. Patrick's Day celebration.....and clean the scuff marks off the floors as well!

Welcome to the 39th issue of the Preschool Plan-It Primer, a free newsletter from Preschool Plan It.

Well, that was fun! I was in cleaning mode this month, as you'll read more about later in this newsletter, and thought I'd try a little jig! ;)

I have a question or 2 for you!

1. What is your favorite part of the newsletters from Preschool Plan It?

2. What would you like to see in these newsletters?

Please give these questions some thought! I'm looking at making some changes to the newsletter and would really appreciated your input--seeing as this newsletter is yours actually! It is for you!

Please hit reply to this email and let me know your thoughts! In addition, I'll be sending a quick survey out to ask a few more questions--I want to make sure I'm meeting your preschool needs!

Thanks so much! ~~Cheryl

Now.......let's get planning!

April 2015, Issue # 39

In This Issue:

Preschool Graduation...Already?

State Approvals for Workshops: Update

Theme Suggestions for April

What’s New? Search It, Find It, Plan It!

Happy April...almost! I can not even believe that it is time to plan for April! I hope you are all well after turning the clocks ahead if you are in a daylight savings zone! It's hard to believe that next month many of our preschoolers will be moving on up to Prek or moving on to Kindergarten! Wow!

Well, let's talk about the end of the year programming steps that you may be working on!

Preschool Graduation Ideas and Activities

I have updated and added pages to the Preschool Graduation Section on my sister site! And here they are:

Graduation 101! The Main Page!

Graduation Craft Ideas Here you'll find crafts to display, to wear and to use!

Graduation Poems Find poems for you to read to your students as well as for them to read at their Graduation!

Graduation Songs & Music Here are suggestions for music to play during your Graduation Program as well as songs for your children to sing!

Graduation Speech Ideas Yup....your time to speak to the families is coming! Here are some ideas to get you started!

Graduation Gift Ideas Looking for gift ideas for your students? You'll find plenty here as well as ideas for parents to give to their children!

Ideas for Concerts and Plays On this page, you'll find many articles on planning your program as well as suggestions for specific concerts and plays!

I am working on a Preschool Graduation Diploma Packet that should be available soon!

State Approvals for Workshops: Update!

Many of you have requested that my workshops be submitted to your states for approval for in-service training hours!

With the help of Miss Jessica, Preschool Plan-It's AMAZING Virtual Assistant, I am working on this.

Here are some updates for you so far:

Tennessee Both the Math and the Science workshops are approved in Tennessee as of 2/28/15

Pending As of March, I have submitted the workshops to Rhode Island, Minnesota, Louisiana. I will let you know when I hear back from them.

In addition, we are waiting for information from Pennsylvania, Florida, Maine, Nebraska.....and........ Once we receive it, I will submit the workshops to them for review as well.

Miss Jessica is in the process of contacting all states to determine their process for approval of online workshops for in-service training hours.

As I receive notification from the state licensing departments, I will:

1. Update the workshop page

2. Post the information on Facebook

3. Send an email to this mailing list.

To find out if the workshops are already approved in YOUR state, CLICK HERE to check the state list!

Theme Suggestions for April

Here are several monthly theme suggestions for your classroom!

Holidays and Special Days in April
Palm Sunday Palm Sunday is on March 29, 2015

Easter Theme (Christian) Easter is April 5th!

Easter Theme (General)

Library Theme National Library Week is April 12-18!

Earth Day Theme Earth Day is Wed, April 22!

Arbor Day Theme Arbor Day is Friday, April 24!

Hairdresser Theme National Hairdresser Day is April 30!

Tornado Theme Be Prepared! April begins Tornado season and requires tornado drills in tornado prone areas.

Fun Themes for April

Frog Theme

Rain Theme

Rain Forest Theme

Planting Seeds Theme

What's New: Search It, Find It, Plan It!

Like Eric Carle books? Click here for my Eric Carle Theme Page which has over 60 activities for your preschool classroom!

Sometimes, cleaning preschool tables is not that easy---especially with crayon on textured tables! Click here to see what worked for me! including a video!

All of the items I used were suggested by visitors of Preschool Plan It!

In-Service Workshops

Looking to get some in-service hours in this month? These workshops might qualify in your state/province (check with your Director or Licensing Regulations to be sure):

Online Workshops for Preschool Teachers

The Preschool Cubby- My Resource Center!

Supplemental Resource Packs are available!

Some of the packs will have between 30-70 pages of activities that you can print, cut, laminate and use!

Some of the resources will include matching games, board games, math activities, circle time and small group charts, science printables and more!

You can find them by CLICKING HERE to go to The Preschool Cubby Resource Center

Other Available Resources on the Website:

Preschool Plan-It Amazon Store (Recommended Preschool Items)

My Store (Personal Books and Items for sale)

Product Review Page A page to find honest reviews on books and products I have personally read or used in the classroom.

Visit My sister preschool websites as well!:

Preschool Director is specifically for the administrative duties of running a preschool program.

The Preschool Professor will be the website that we will use for those "how-to" articles and training information.

Comments? Ideas for future newsletters? Feedback? This newsletter is written FOR you, so I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this zine and tell me what you think!

Until Next Time,


My hope is that you find information in each newsletter that is helpful to you- the Early Childhood Educator- as you work with this wonderful group called Preschoolers! This is the mini-newsletter that focuses on theme suggestions and new additions to the website.

Stay current on all new pages added to the website! by "liking" Preschool Plan-It on Facebook at Preschool Plan It

You can also

If a friend DID forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting Preschool Plan It It's FREE to subscribe!

Comments? Ideas for future newsletters? Feedback? This newsletter is written FOR you, so I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this zine and tell me what you think!

Until Next Time,


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