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June 2014 Newsletter and Articles May 27, 2014 |
Hi There!June 2014 Preschool Primer NewsletterMy hope is that you find information in each newsletter that is helpful to you- the Early Childhood Educator- as you work with this wonderful group called Preschoolers! This is the mini-newsletter that focuses on theme suggestions and new additions to the website. The FULL newsletter is quarterly and goes out in March, June, September and December. To see back issues of the newsletters, go to Newsletter Back Issue Page Stay current on all new pages added to the website! by "liking" Preschool Plan-It on Facebook at Preschool Plan It You can also If a friend DID forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting Preschool Plan It It's FREE to subscribe!
In This Issue:
A New Look is Coming!
Article: Are your Pre-K kids "ready" for Kindergarten?
Tips & Timesavers: The Preschool Cubby
Interest Learning Center: Bible Center
Theme Suggestions for June
What’s New? Search It, Find It, Plan It!
Happy June! Wow, summer is almost here! The snow and cold are finally gone and the bare trees now have leaves! There is green grass rather than white snow here! Finally!
Some other changes are coming as well--to the website! There will be a new cover photo on the website. Instead of the cute little girl doing a cartwheel, it will be......well,'ll see soon!
That same cover photo will be used on Preschool Plan It's Facebook page.
It will be the same website, run by the same person (me!), just a new look as I redesign the site a bit to make it easier for you to navigate!
Many of your students will be entering kindergarten in the fall. Kindergarten transition can be easier for the children when teachers and parents help prepare children for the big move.
As we've discussed in previous articles, school readiness is more than asking if the children know their A,B,Cs and 1,2,3s. Readiness does not solely refer to the important skills that children learn in preschool.
It also refers to the equally important emotional skills that children develop in the preschool years, both at home and in preschool.
In addition to helping children develop growth and development skills, we need to help them prepare for the social and emotion transition ahead of them.
Here are 7 things teachers and families can do to help.
Kindergarten Transition Tip #1: Hear ye, Hear ye! Talk about it!
We want to do this in late spring, not too
soon. Don't spend your entire Prek year talking about Kindergarten. This can create a lot of stress or anxiety for the children.
Read kindergarten related stories during circle time. Allow the children to ask questions about the story and about kindergarten in general.
Kindergarten Transition Tip #2: Let's Pretend Kindergarten!
You can also set up your dramatic play area as a kindergarten classroom!
Show them that the classroom is much like preschool.
Kindergarten Transition Tip #3: Visit a Kindergarten or Invite a Kindergarten Teacher to your Classroom!
If at all possible, take your children on a field trip to tour a local Kindergarten classroom. In the tour, include checking out the playground, other classrooms, the library.
Kindergarten Transition Tip #4: Hold a Preschool to Kindergarten Orientation of Your Own!
If your local school does not hold an orientation or your
children can not attend it, why not have your own orientation?
Kindergarten Transition Tip #5: Hold Conferences - With a Kindergarten Focus
Hold an end of the year conference. Provide parents with an end of the year progress report.
Give them helpful information regarding what they can do with their children during the summer months to help continue their growth and development.
Kindergarten Transition Tip #6: End of the Year Celebration and Information Sharing--Not Only Graduation!
In addition to the end of the year/graduation program you have, plan a day that is JUST for your Prek families and children to hang out together.
Perhaps a picnic at the park or at your preschool; a cookout; a pot luck lunch.
The goal of this event is to give the children a time to say goodbye.
Kindergarten Transition Tip #7: Summer Activity Packs
This will take some time to make up, but
it will be well worth it!
The above tips are just a summary of the article. The full article has details on how to carry out each tip.
The Preschool Cubby With over 125 themes on my theme page, there are many activities to make your own activities using clip art, magazine pictures and other pictures. I have received many emails asking if the games are available some where to print and use. Based on these requests, I have begun to put many of these resources together in resource packs. This summer, I will be working on resource packs for the beginning of the year themes such as: All About Me; Back To School; Colors; Pets and more. The packs will have between 30-70 pages of activities that you can print, cut, laminate and use! Some of the resources will include matching games, board games, math activities, circle time and small group charts, science printables and more! They will be available in my store, The Preschool Cubby, found on Teachers Pay Teachers. I do have a free resource pack BREAD THEME available to give you an idea of what will the packs will include.
Many programs have a Bible Center or Worship Center in their classroom. This is a center where the children can interact with materials that help them recall the Bible verse or story you are working on. Let's look at what a Bible Center refers to and what children learn by participating! What do children learn while playing at a Bible Interest Center? Preschool children will: Develop socio-emotional skills by applying what they have learned from the story to their own life situations or from pretend theme situations, which help them learn more about themselves, their friends and the world around them. Develop large (gross) and small (fine) motor skills by using the materials during play. Increase their language and problem-solving skills as they recall and act out the stories they have learned. Express their creativity by developing themes to play out. How should the teacher prepare for a Bible Interest Center? Teachers prepare for this area by pre-planning what Bible story or verse they will be focusing on during the week or month. When planning, determine what materials and or props you will have at this center. Be familiar with the Bible story or concept so you can expand their learning or ask questions while they play. Just have materials that apply to the story or Bible concept you are covering. The children will take it from there! Where should the teacher locate a Bible Interest Center? This will very much depend upon how much space you have and how many areas you'll have! A Bible Center can be set up in a large space for acting out stories (like a Dramatic Play Area), at a table where you will have puppets, books and activities, or the materials will be in a bin that is available on a carpeted area in your classroom (we have used our Circle Time area during Center time for this). As this center includes talking and acting out stories, avoid placing it next to quiet areas such as your classroom library. Although there is no preparation necessary before children use a this area, ITALIC where you set up your Bible center is important. This is an area where lots of conversation and discussion will take place. Therefore, do not place it near a quiet area such as the library. For suggestions about where to set up interest learning centers in your classroom, CLICK HERE for the Classroom Design Page Materials for your Bible Interest Center Again, this will depend on the story and the activities you want. For basic items, those that I suggest you have in the center all year, include: A picture of Jesus; a Bible (include several, colorful Bibles for the children to use); a Poster or Paper with pictures and the verse or story you are working on; and a journal (either home made or small notebooks, one for each child); a Prayer Box This is where you set your creativity free! What is your theme for the next few weeks? Does it coincide with a Bible story or verse (i.e. If you are having a Camping Theme, discuss creation with the children, or helping others, etc.) In summary, the Bible Interest Center is one that I recommend having available each and every day. For more suggestions on materials to have in your Bible Center, CLICK HERE to go the the Bible Interest Center Page on the website Below is the link to my BIBLE THEMES page. Under each theme, you will find suggestions for many activities for your interest learning centers. Many (most) of these activities can be set up in your Bible Interest Center. You might have a Bible based art activity in your Bible Interest center and then a Theme Based Art activity at your Art table! For more Interest Learning Centers Articles, CLICK HERE CELEBRATION DAYS AND HOLIDAYS COMING UP: Fathers Day Theme Sunday, June 15th Summer Theme Saturday, June 21st is the 1st day of Summer!
SUGGESTED THEMES FOR June: Tornadoes Theme This is Tornado Season. Consider doing a drill every month, not just the "once a season" as required by regulation. Many of your summer students do not know the drill-they need to know and you need to practice. The following pages were added to the website since the last newsletter: New Pages Added Bible Interest Learning Center Kindergarten Transition Article >center>In-Service Workshops Looking to get some in-service hours in this month? This workshop might qualify in your state/province (check with your Director or Licensing Regulations to be sure): Other Available Resources on the Website: Preschool Plan-It Amazon Store (Recommended Preschool Items) My Store (Personal Books and Items for sale) Product Review Page A page to find honest reviews on books and products I have personally read or used in the classroom. Comments? Ideas for future newsletters? Feedback? This newsletter is written FOR you, so I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this zine and tell me what you think! Until Next Time, Cheryl |
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