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November 2013, Issue # 23
In This Issue:
Theme Suggestions for November
What’s New?
Search It, Find It, Plan It!
Theme Suggestions for November
November is the time of year where, in many areas, it is getting colder or even snowing! It is the month of the U.S. Thanksgiving Day holiday. We should always be thankful for our family, friends and co-workers!
Here are some suggestions for themes for the month of November!
Bread Theme
Community Helpers- Doctor Theme
Community Helpers-Nurse Theme
Family Theme
Food Groups Theme
Five Senses Theme
Fruits and Vegetables Theme
Thanksgiving Theme (Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 28, 2013)
What's New?
The following pages were added to the website since the last newsletter:
Article--Moving To a New Home: Impact on Preschoolers and How You Can Help
Ice Theme
Rain Theme
Sun Theme
General Weather Theme
In-Service Workshops
Looking to get some in-service hours in this month? This workshop might qualify in your state/province (check with your Director or Licensing Regulations to be sure):
Science in the Preschool Classroom Online Workshop
The Math in the Preschool Classroom is almost complete.
Themes now available for your E-Readers!
More themes have been added as e-books for purchase.
You can find the list of E-Books here! There is a small fee for each theme to help offset the time it takes to format and publish them. I will be formatting and publishing the remaining themes throught the fall so that they are all available by the end of the year.
Other Available Resources on the Website:
Preschool Plan-It Amazon Store (Recommended Preschool Items)
My Store (Personal Books and Items for sale)
Product Review Page A page to find honest reviews on books and products I have personally read or used in the classroom.
Comments? Ideas for future newsletters? Feedback? This newsletter is written FOR you, so I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this zine and tell me what you think!
Until Next Time,