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Preschool Newsletter for September 2013 September 04, 2013 |
Hi There!September--Back to School We Go!!My hope is that you find information in each newsletter that is helpful to you- the Early Childhood Educator- as you work with this wonderful group called Preschoolers! This newsletter is now a quarterly newsletter. Stay current on all new pages added to the website! Like Preschool Plan-It on Facebook at Preschool Plan It If you like this e-zine, please do a friend and me a big favor and "pay it forward." If a friend DID forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting Preschool Plan It Newsletter It's FREE to subscribe! September 2013, Issue # 21 In This Issue: Article: Classroom Pets Tips & Timesavers: Thank You Notes! What's New? Search It, Find It, Plan It! It is September! Time for Back to School and all the planning and decisions that come with it! This summer, we relocated back home, to the east coast. We have found a house and have moved in this past week. Therefore I will begin working on the website full-time, so be on the look out for many more themes, articles, workshops and other additions to the website this fall! If you have liked my Preschool Plan-It Facebook Page, you have heard me talk about our dog Cameron the Corgi, who was 7 years old. Cammy was acting a little sluggish and not eating 2 weeks ago. We took him to the vet and found that he had a tumor. Biopsies determined that the tumor was lymphoma and had spread to many of his organs and was blocking his intestines. It was inoperable. We had to let our Cameron go last week. It has been a very emotional and difficult week adjusting to our buddy not being with us. It is difficult for anyone who loses a pet which is why I've dedicated this month's article section to Pets and the loss of them. As teachers, we will all deal with the loss of a pet at some level. It may be the loss of our own pet, the loss of our classroom pet or helping a child and family deal with the loss of their personal pet. Losing a pet is difficult and very emotional for children and adults alike. There is a grieving process that happens. With this in mind, I want to direct you to a page on the website that will help with the Loss of a Pet. The page has an article and a book list for you to review or pass on to parents when this time comes. I hope you find it helpful. Click here for Death of a Pet page Thank You Notes Throughout the year families donate items to your classroom. It may be snacks, classroom supplies or toys. Sometimes it is from a request that you sent out in your newsletter and sometimes it is just something the family thought you could use. No matter how big or small the donation, be sure to let them know how much you appreciate them thinking of your classroom! Send a thank you note for everything from empty egg carton donations, to plastic bags, to toys to a person donating time in the classroom! Check out your local dollar store for notes. You might use postcards or actual thank you notes. I recommend the following steps: 1. When something is donated, fill out a thank you card BOLD THE SAME DAY AS THE DONATION! 2. Be specific: "Dear ____, Thank you so very much for (specific words here--the donation of tissues or reading to the children this morning, etc.). It is very much appreciated! 3. Involve the children! Let them know what was donated and how nice that was of the person. Explain what a thank you note is and show them the one you filled out. Have them all "sign" it...even if it is just one letter of their name or a smiley face! 4. Send the note home with the person's child or address and mail the card the same day. Having a stash of cards in your classroom and filling them out (and mailing them) the same day as a donation of an item or donation of time will ensure that you show appreciation immediately and that you don't let weeks go by without letting the person know! For other tips and timesavers, click the link below: I have received many emails asking if the themes on the website will be available as E-Books. I have begun to format and publish the themes. You can find the list of E-Books here! There is a small fee for each theme to help offset the time it takes to format and publish them. I will continue to format and publish the remaining themes throughout the fall. So book mark the link above and check often! Colors Theme Great time to evaluate their color knowledge! Looking to get some in-service hours in this month? This workshop might qualify in your state/province (check with your Director or Licensing Regulations to be sure): Science in the Preschool Classroom Online Workshop Comments? Ideas for future newsletters? Feedback? This newsletter is written FOR you, so I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this zine and tell me what you think! Until Next Time, Cheryl |
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