August Preschool Themes

August Preschool Themes

Here are some August Preschool Themes with ideas and fun activities for you preschool theme planning! Below you'll find preschool theme ideas for August for some fun themes as well as for holidays and special days! 

My Suggested August Preschool Themes

The Circus is coming to town!  Children love the smells, sights and sounds and rides!  

This Circus Theme page includes preschool lesson plans, activities and Interest Learning Center ideas for your Preschool Classroom!

Go to the Circus Preschool Theme Here!

Whenever we talk about this Bible account, we always talk about David defeating Goliath with 5 smooth stones.  And wow, it is an amazing account!  
However, let's not forget that this little boy, David, could ONLY have defeated Goliath with God's help. 
Through his faith in God, David was able to overcome what others thought impossible.

Go to the David & Goliath Preschool Theme Here!

A Preschool Feelings Theme can help children identify and name their emotions. Throughout each day, children experience a wide range of feelings.

Sometimes they experience them from hour to hour or sometimes from minute to minute! You can use this theme to teach the children how to react to their emotions as well.

 Go to the Feelings Preschool Theme Here!

I Scream, You Scream, We ALL Scream for Ice Cream!  This frosty theme page includes preschool lesson plans, activities and Interest Learning Center ideas for your Preschool Classroom!

Go to the Ice Cream Preschool Theme Here!

A Mad Preschool Science Theme that is all about.....yup--mad, crazy science!  A big, huge THANK YOU to Jessica M.B.--one of your "cyber-colleagues" for her suggestion of this theme!

This theme was her suggestion and you will find several of her submitted activities here!

Go to the Mad Science Preschool Theme Here!

There are so many more activities and ideas that can be added to this Ocean Life Preschool Theme!  Go for it!  Add your seashells, fish and other theme ideas to create a month long Beach or Ocean Theme!

Go to the Ocean Life Preschool Theme Here!

A Preschool Olympics Theme:  Summer or Winter--this is a great theme to encourage games and working together!

This Preschool Olympics Theme page includes preschool lesson plans, activities and Interest Learning Center ideas for your Preschool Classroom!

Go to the Olympics Preschool Theme Here!

Opposites! There are so many to talk to the children about! Up, down, sit, stand, fast, slow, hot, cold--and so many more! This page is filled with preschool lesson plans and ideas for all areas of your classroom.

Go to the Opposites Preschool Theme Here!

Ahoy there, Matey!  

This Pirates Preschool Theme page has activities and ideas for swashbuckling fun!  

Go to the Pirates Preschool Theme Here!

There are so many things that stick! If there is something sticky to be found, our preschoolers will be the ones to find them! Children are fascinated with how and why things stick. This theme has so many directions it could go in!

What types of sticky things can you think of to add to your theme! Have fun with it and don't forget to ask your students about items they know of that stick that perhaps we haven't thought of!

Go to the Sticky Preschool Theme Here!

August Preschool Themes - Holidays & Special Days

Did you know that August 3 is Watermelon Day? Me either!  Watermelon is probably one of the messiest yet enjoyable of snacks, especially in the summer!

I recommend watermelon every day during this theme! Perhaps a parent could sign up each day to provide one for your class!  

Go To the Watermelon Preschool Theme Here!

Tornado Preschool Theme

Tornado season runs (in the US) from April through August. This Tornadoes Theme page will help your preschoolers to understand more about tornadoes and tornado safety through preschool activities and lesson plans.

Go to the Tornadoes Preschool Theme Here!

Back to School Theme Planning Time

If you are looking for themes for back to school mode, I've got you covered!  Check out this page for themes like All About Me, Back to School and more!

Keep in mind that the seasons may be different where you are so my suggestions may not work for you. Here are other ways to search for preschool themes for you!

Not sure which themes to teach next month?

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