Bugs and Insects! We use these terms interchangeably, though they are different! Bugs are one type of insect. True bugs, as they are called, have a straw-like mouth. Some true bugs are stinkbugs, assassin bugs and others. Ladybugs are NOT actually bugs! And spiders are neither bugs nor insects!
However, all crawly things are bugs and insects preschool theme and they are creepy and cool at the same time to preschool children! Imagine all the preschool lesson plans that can come from a preschool theme like this!
You'll find more themes to help you with your planning on my preschool themes page
One year, we decided it would be so cool to order ladybugs for the classroom! We would have them in our ladybug home, the children could observe them, journal about them, tell stories about them, etc.
So, they were delivered. When we opened the bag, low and behold, lots of ladybugs started crawling out of the bag...so cool.
Sadly, we found that half the ladybugs were, um, well, they didn't make the trip.
We talked about that and then decided we should lay them to rest outside in the front garden/lawn area. We did so, had a moment of silence for the ladybugs and when back into our classroom.
Two hours later, when the children were leaving, one of the parents commented on how Spring is definitely here. She could tell because of all the ladybugs outside today!
Apparently, the ladybugs were in a cold, somewhat "hibernative" sleep from the way they are shipped!
Moral of the story....let them warm up and wake up. They are not dead!
This is the insect home we ordered. It comes with a coupon to order 15-20 Ladybug Larvae! This was awesome as we got to watch the entire life cycle unfold in our classroom!
(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website. If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )
Ladybug Home AND Ladybug Larvae
This kit comes with a home for your ladybugs AND live ladybug larvae!
This is the tube with the larvae only- perfect if you already have a ladybug home/habitat and just need more ladybugs to fill it!
This theme is endless in the possible activities and adventures your preschoolers can participate in!
This Bugs and Insects Theme page is filled with preschool activities and ideas for all areas of your classroom.
You can either scroll down through this page to see all of the preschool activities for your Bugs and Insects Theme or click the link below to go to specific preschool lesson plans you are looking for.
Spider Web Sticker Art
Materials Needed: spider stickers, blue or black paper, white crayons or white chalk.
The children draw their own version of a spider web and then add spiders where they want them. Add bugs and insects stickers as well to "feed" the spiders!
Bug Rocks
Materials: rocks and stones of various sizes, glue, markers or paint, googly eyes and other miscellaneous arts and crafts supplies
Let the children create their own pet bug rock!
Hand print Spiders
Materials Needed: Finger paint paper, finger paint, google eyes
Crease the paper in half. Open paper up.
The children make one hand print on the left side of the paper. Fold the paper closed and press.
Open to reveal a mirrored image of their spider! When dry add googly eyes.
EXTENSION: After they have made one hand print, give them more paper to fingerprint away!
Add small stuffed bugs or bug puppets to your block area for the children to make homes for!
Circle Time is such a great time for children to learn the social skills of being together as a large group AND to learn more about your Space Theme!
Insect Inspection
Materials Needed: Show the children some pictures of insects. Then pass out some plastic insects (one for each child). Have them find these items on their insects:
All insects have 3 body parts: the head, the thorax (middle) and the abdomen.
All insects have 6 legs.
All insects have antennae. What do they use these for (touching and detecting odors!)
Some insects have wings. Does yours have wings?
Stories and Finger plays
There are so many choices of books and finger plays for this theme. Many are listed below under the Library section on this page. Be sure to include lots and lots of non-fiction books. Show the pictures and talk about them as a group!
Cooking with children helps develop their math skills and helps them to learn how to follow directions.
It also allows for some great conversation!
Ask many questions while cooking with your children to encourage conversation! Be sure to ask specific Space theme questions while making these fun snacks!
Ants In Your Pants
Ingredients and Items Needed:
Bread (cut into pants shapes); spread (or cheese) and raisins
The children spread the bread and add raisin "ants" to their pants!
Picnic Interrupted!
Materials: Picnic basket, tablecloth or small blanket to have the picnic on; play food and plates and, of course, plastic bugs to interrupt the picnic with!
Bugs and Insects Dress Up
Purchase or make different types of bug wings, and bug legs (use extra fabric to sew together and stuff for the kids to wear and have 6 legs like an insect!).
Bug Painting This idea was submitted by Katrina in BC, Canada
Materials needed: small, plastic bugs and insects; yogurt lids or other small, plastic lids
Have the children paint using bugs instead of brushes! The yogurt sized lids should fit in your easel tray.
Thank you Katrina!!
Parachute Your Bugs!
This idea was submitted by Vanessa M. from New Mexico, USA
Place stuffed animal type insects in the middle of the parachute to shake off! Vanessa's group places a stuffed grasshopper in. They have make the grass hopper "hop" by shaking the parachute and continue shaking until the grasshopper "hops" out!
You can do the same with other stuffed insects you have: make the butterfly-fly the bee-buzz, etc.!
Thanks Vanessa for this GREAT idea!
The next two ideas were submitted by Karen from Indianapolis, IN, USA
Bug, Bug, Insect
Play this as you would the infamous Duck, Duck Goose Game!
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Book Suggestions for the Library
There are SO many books to choose from! Check out your local library and Don't Forget to get lots of non-fiction books so that the children can see real pictures as well!
The books below can be purchased through Amazon also.
(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website. If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )
Here is the Beehive
Here is the beehive. Where are the bees? (hold up one fist)
Hidden away where nobody sees. (move other hand around your fist)
Watch and you'll see them come out of the hive (move head close to your fist)
One, two, three, four , five! (Hold up fingers one at a time)
Buzzzzzzzz...all fly away! (wave fingers as you move your hand away from you).
1,2,3 (hold up fingers one at a time)
There's a bug on me!
Where did it go? (Brush your clothes off)
I Don't Know! (look around and the shrug and look confused!)
8 Ants
One ant, two ants, three ants, four.
Our picnic is their grocery store.
Five ants, six ants, seven ants, eight.
They are crawling on my plate!
Eight ants, seven ants, stomp around.
Six ants, five ants, on the ground.
Four ants, three ants, On the run!
Two ants, one ant, no more fun!
Counting and Coloring Bugs and Insects
Materials: Large piece of paper, bugs and insects stamps, stamp pads, single dice, markers
Use the stamps to stamp lots and lots of bugs and insects on the paper.
Let dry.
The children take turns rolling the dice and coloring in that number of bugs.
VARIATION: For individual counting, have each child make their own paper to work on!
Ant Leaves
Materials: Green paper with leaf shapes drawn on them; scissors; hole punchers.
The children cut out the leaves and then hole punch away! They can draw ants on the leaves (or give them stickers!) if they want.
Great activity to get those muscles developed!
Lady Bugs and Insects
Explain to the children that ladybugs are very helpful. They eat insects that may try ot eat or hurt our fruits and vegetables!
Have the children act this out:
Ladybug, ladybug...let me see you crawl!
Hurry after those harmful bugs....
But be careful not to fall!
Bugs, bugs, bugs!
sung to the tune of Frere Jacques
Big bugs, small bugs, big bugs, small bugs,
See them crawl. See them crawl.
Creeping, creeping, crawling, never, never falling
Bugs, bugs, bugs! Bugs, bugs, bugs!
Thin bugs, fat bugs, thin bugs, fat bugs
See them crawl, on the wall.
Creeping, creeping, crawling, never, never falling
Bugs, bugs, bugs! Bugs, bugs, bugs!
Insects and Spiders Song
sung to the tune of Wheels on the Bus
The bugs in the air fly up and down,
Up and down, up and down.
The bugs in the air fly up and down,
All through the day!
The spiders on the bush spin a web....
The crickets in the field hop up and down...
The bees in the hive go buzz, buzz, buzz....
Buzzing 'Round the Room
sung to the tune of When Johnny Comes Marching Home
A bee is buzzing 'round the room
Buzz-Buzz, Buzz-buzz.
A bee is buzzing 'round the room
Buzz-Buzz, Buzz-buzz.
It will buzz around the room once more
And then it will buzz right out the door.
And we'll all be happy
When the bee is gone once more!
Creepy, Crawly Bugs and Insects
Add plastic bugs and insects into your sensory table hidden in the sand with spoons and cups to catch them!
Bee Hives
Materials: If you can find one, bring an old bee hive or nest into your classroom for the children to explore!
Bugs and Insects Theme Field Trips
Visit a Pet Store
Take a trip to a local pet store that sells bugs and insects as feed to check them out!
Bugs and Insects Theme Classroom Visitors
Some ideas for visitors:
Call a local farm to find out if they raise bees. Can that person come in to your preschool classroom and talk to the preschoolers about bees?
That's Buggy!
Encourage the children to draw a picture about bugs that bug them! They can print the names of their bugs, or you can help them do that!
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