Creation Day 2 - Sky and Water Theme for Preschool

This Creation Day 2 - Sky and Water  Preschool Theme page is based on Genesis 1:6-8

This page includes preschool lesson plans, activities and Interest Learning Center ideas for your Preschool Classroom!

You can either scroll down through this page to see all of the preschool activities for your theme or click the link below to go to a specific day of Creation.

Let the theme planning begin!

You'll find more themes to help you with your planning on my bible preschool themes page.

Creation Day 2 Preschool Theme

To read my Statement of Faith, click here.

DAY2 Art Activities Block Area Circle Time Activities Cooking Recipes Dramatic Play Ideas Easel Ideas Gross Motor Games Library and Literacy Math And Manipulatives Activities Music and Movement Sand and Water Table Science Activities Writing Activities

Here are the links for activities for each specific DAY of Creation and the General Creation Theme Page!

Creation Day 1- Light
Creation Day 3- Land, Sea and Vegetation
Creation Day 4- Sun, Moon and Stars
Creation Day 5- Fish and Birds
Creation Day 6- Animals and People
Creation Day 7- He Rested
Creation Theme

Creation Day 2 - Sky and Water Theme Activities begin Here!

Art Activities

Creation Day 2 - Sky and Water Theme Art

Creation Day 2 Preschool Theme Art Activity

Clouds In The Sky

Materials needed:  Cotton balls, blue construction paper, glue

Show the children how to pull gently on the cotton balls to make them stretch out into different sizes.

Glue them all over their sky/water paper!

Watercolor Sky and Water

Materials needed:  Blue and White paint and white paper.

Let the children make different shades of blue to interpret what God's creation might have looked like after Day 2!

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Block Area

Creation Day 2 - Sky and Water Theme Block Center Ideas

Pool Noodles

Cut up pool noodles for another type of block.  Swim in the noodles!

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Circle Time Activities

Creation Day 2 - Sky and Water Theme Circle Time Ideas

Circle Time is such a great time for children to learn the social skills of being together as a large group AND to learn more about your theme!

Bible Story

Read about Day 2 from your favorite children's Bible or your own Bible. Genesis 1:6-8

Your Own Words

Tell the account of Genesis 1:6-8 in your own words!  When you say water, point down, when you say sky, point up.  Repeat and have them point with you.

Theme Prop Intro

Needed:  A small spray bottle of water, wrapped in Polyfil so that the children cannot tell there is a water bottle in it! 

As you read the account of God separating the water from the sky, squeeze the trigger of the water bottle rapidly to make it "rain" on the children!

Cooking Recipes

Snack Recipe Ideas to Cook Up for Your Theme!

Cooking with children helps develop their math skills and helps them to learn how to follow directions. It also allows for some great conversation! Ask many questions while cooking with your children to encourage conversation! Be sure to ask specific themed questions while making these fun snacks!

Clouds and Sky

Materials needed:  Blueberries, whipped cream, clear cups and spoons

Have the children help you wash the berries.

Give each child a handful and encourage them to count them into their cups.

Allow them to scoop some whipped cream (clouds) over their berries (sky)!

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Dramatic Play Ideas

Creation Day 2 - Sky and Water Theme Ideas to Transform Your Dramatic Play Area

Refrigerator Box Creation continued!

Today, provide blue paper, cotton balls and glue sticks for the children to decide where the water and sky are!

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Easel Ideas

Creation Day 2 - Sky and Water Theme Ideas for your Easel--

More Than Just Painting (Although that is always THE favorite in our classroom!)

Smudge Colors

Provide washable markers at your easel.

When the children are done creating, spray with a water bottle!

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Gross Motor Games

Creation Day 2 - Sky and Water Theme Large Group Games 

that help build their muscles while they have fun together

Water Painting

Provide large sheets of paper outside and spray bottles with watered down paint!!

Soft Cloud Sort

We have learned that God created light and now has separated the sky from the water!

We will see rainbows!  

Make rainbow clouds by cutting up pool noodles into 6 inch pieces.

Toss these into baskets or boxes for gross muscle development.

When done, place them in your block center for added building fun!

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Library and Literacy

Creation Day 2 - Sky and Water Theme Ideas for Your Library Area

Book Suggestions for the Library

(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website.  If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )

7 Days of Creation by Mindy Macdonald

God Made Weather by Catherine MacKenzie

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Math And Manipulatives Activities

Sky and Water Theme Activities to help your Preschoolers develop those small muscles in their hands!

It's 2 Day Today (Get it?!!)

Provide blue and white pom poms (sky and water), muffin tins and tongs.

Encourage the children to count 2 pom poms into each compartment.

They will find many ways to sort the two colors, believe me!

Creation Day 2 Preschool Theme Math Activity

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Music and Movement

Creation Day 2 - Sky and Water Theme Music and Movement Activities and Ideas to get your Preschoolers Movin' and Groovin'!

God Created

There is a great song my daughter's Sunday school teacher sang during the Creation Theme.

It is sung to the tune of Frere Jacques

We will add additional verses each day!

Today, sing:

God created!  God created!

Night and day, night and day.

That was on the first day.

That was on the first day.

And it was good!  It was good!

God created!  God created!

Sky and clouds, sky and clouds.

That was on the second day.

That was on the second day.

And it was good!  It was good.

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Sand and Water Table

Creation Day 2 - Sky and Water Theme Activities for the Senses!

Sky Dough!

Materials needed:  lots of flour and baby oil (and a tub of soapy water and towels!)

Mix in a ratio of 4 cups of flour to 1 cup of baby oil.

Let the children help you measure and pour.

Give them some wooden spoons and have at it!

They mix and squish it to make some pretty cool clouds!

Sky and Water Day!

Add blue coloring to your water today.  Add cotton balls!

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Science Activities

Creation Day 2 - Sky and Water Theme Science Activities--for your Preschool Scientists in Training!

Creation Day 2 Preschool Theme Science Activity

Wave Bottles

Materials needed: 1 liter clear, plastic bottles; water; vegetable oil, blue food coloring

Fill bottle 2/3 full of water.  Add a few drops of food coloring.

Pour in vegetable oil until about an inch floats on top of the water.

Cover bottle and seal with hot glue gun.

Show children how to move it to make waves.

If they shake it they can watch the ingredients separate.

Make several, these will be popular!

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Writing Activities

Writing Activity Ideas for Your Creation Day 2 - Sky and Water Theme!

Q-Tip Printing

Provide Q-Tips, baby oil in a shallow dish and plain paper (like photo copy paper).

The children print their names with these "cloud" pencils on the paper.

The baby oil makes the paper translucent!

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