Creation Day 4 - Sun, Moon and Stars Theme for Preschool

This Creation Day 4 Preschool Theme - Sun, Moon and Stars page is based on Genesis 1:14-19

14 And God said, 'Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, 

15 and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.' And it was so. 

16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 

17 God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, 

18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 

19 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day." (Genesis 1:14-19, NIV)

This page includes preschool lesson plans, activities and Interest Learning Center ideas for your Preschool Classroom!

You can either scroll down through this page to see all of the preschool activities for your theme or click the link below to go to a specific day of Creation.

Let the theme planning begin!

You'll find more themes to help you with your planning on my bible preschool themes page.

Creation Day 4 Preschool Theme

To read my Statement of Faith, click here.

DAY4 Art Activities Block Area Circle Time Activities Cooking Recipes Dramatic Play Ideas Easel Ideas Gross Motor Games Library and Literacy Math And Manipulatives Activities Music and Movement Sand and Water Table Science Activities Writing Activities

Here are the links for activities for each specific DAY of Creation and the General Creation Theme Page!

Creation Day 1- Light
Creation Day 2- Sky and Water
Creation Day 3- Land, Seas and Vegetation
Creation Day 5- Fish and Birds
Creation Day 6- Animals and People
Creation Day 7- He Rested
Creation Theme

Creation Day 4 - Sun, Moon and Stars Theme Activities begin Here!

Art Activities

Creation Day 4 - Sun, Moon and Stars Theme Art


Materials needed:  Stamp pads, stamps of planets and stars, paper, crayons

The children create a Sun, moon and stars paper.  They can print words, their name or you can print the "story" about it on the back!

Creation Day 4 Preschool Theme Art Activity

Bingo Daubers

Also known as Do A Dots!  Use these to create some colorful star papers!

Salt in Space

Dissolve lots of table salt in cups of warm water.

The children dip chalk in the water and then draw on black paper.

It dries with crystals on it!

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Block Area

Creation Day 4 - Sun, Moon and Stars Theme Block Center Ideas


Add any round objects you have (milk caps, jewels, etc.) as planets for your block area today!

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Circle Time Activities

Creation Day 4 - Sun, Moon and Stars Theme Circle Time Ideas

Circle Time is such a great time for children to learn the social skills of being together as a large group AND to learn more about your theme!

Bible Story

Read about Day 4 from your favorite children's Bible or your own Bible. Genesis 1:14-19

Your Own Words

Tell the account of Genesis 1:14-19 in your own words and hand motions! Shield your eyes when you say sun; Point to the sky when you say Moon and "dot" your fingers in the sky when you say Stars!

Theme Props Intro

Needed:  A ball of aluminum foil, a ball of blue paper, a ball of yellow paper.

Ask the children what each one reminds them of.

Pass each one around.

Use them as props as you read today's Creation account.

Twinkle, Twinkle

Sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with hand motions!

Cooking Recipes

Snack Recipe Ideas to Cook Up for Your Theme!

Cooking with children helps develop their math skills and helps them to learn how to follow directions. It also allows for some great conversation! Ask many questions while cooking with your children to encourage conversation! Be sure to ask specific themed questions while making these fun snacks!

Sun, Moon and Star Snack

Materials needed: Melons, Cucumber, Toast, star shaped cookie cutters

Cut melon in 1/4 moon shapes.

Peel cucumber and help children slice into full moon shapes

Use star cookie cutters for star toast!

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Dramatic Play Ideas

Creation Day 4 - Sun, Moon and Stars Theme Ideas to Transform Your Dramatic Play Area

Refrigerator Box Creation...continued!

Today, let the children be astronauts!  They can make stars, moons and suns out of paper and hang them in and on their box.

You could also purchase glow in the dark plastic stars to place all around and give them flashlights!

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Easel Ideas

Creation Day 4 - Sun, Moon and Stars Theme Ideas for your Easel--

More Than Just Painting (Although that is always THE favorite in our classroom!)

Foil Painting

Have the children paint on aluminum foil today instead of paper!  Use tempera paint!

Creation Day 4 Preschool Theme Painting Activity

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Gross Motor Games

Creation Day 4 - Sun, Moon and Stars Theme Large Group Games 

that help build their muscles while they have fun together

Sun, Moon Star Game

Draw sun, moon and stars on the ground.  The kids toss a bean bag.   

Have them do an action that starts with the same letter as the item the bag landed on: "Sing a silly song on the Sun; etc.

If you can't get outside, make the sun, moon and stars out of paper.

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Library and Literacy

Creation Day 4 - Sun, Moon and Stars Theme Ideas for Your Library Area

Book Suggestions for the Library

(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website.  If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )

The 7 Days of Creation by Mindy MacDonald

Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star any version!
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Math And Manipulatives Activities

Creation Day 4 - Sun, Moon and Stars Theme Activities to help your Preschoolers develop those small muscles in their hands!

Sparkly Playdough

Add glitter to your playdough.  Provide star and circle shaped cookie cutters.  Can you count all the stars that God has made?

Sort the Stars

Provide colored jewels, spoons and bowls.

Encourage the children to count the jewels as they pick them up with the spoons and drop them in the bowls.

VARIATION:  Program the bowls by putting number cards in front of each one.

Encourage the children to place the correct number of jewel stars, using the spoon, in each bowl.

Star Board Game

Use different colored star stickers and arrange them in a path on the inside of a file folder or a large piece of construction paper.

Provide a die that has the same colors on it as the stickers.

Use milk caps with a star on it as game markers.

The children roll the die and move their game marker to that colored star. They have to name the color!

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Music and Movement

Creation Day 4 - Sun, Moon and Stars Theme Music and Movement Activities and Ideas to get your Preschoolers Movin' and Groovin'!

God Created

There is a great song my daughter's Sunday school teacher sang during the Creation Theme.

It is sung to the tune of Frere Jacques

We will add additional verses each day!

Today, sing:

God created!  God created!

Night and day, night and day.

That was on the first day.

That was on the first day.

And it was good!  It was good!

God created!  God created!

Land and plants.  Land and plants.

That was on the third day.

That was on the third day.

And it was good!  And it was good!

God created!  God created!

Sun, moon and stars!  Sun, moon and stars!

That was on the fourth day.

That was on the fourth day.

And it was good!  It was good!

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Sand and Water Table

Creation Day 4 - Sun, Moon and Stars Theme Activities for the Senses!

Star Sensory Table

Add dried black beans and plastic star shaped buttons!   

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Science Activities

Creation Day 4 - Sun, Moon and Stars Theme Science Activities--for your Preschool Scientists in Training!

Creation Day 4 Preschool Theme Science Activity

Stars in a Jar Prop!

Adults only should make this.  Hot glue the jar lid on when done.

Cut a glow stick and shake the contents into a jar. 

Add diamond glitter 

Seal the top with a lid. 

Shake hard 

Discuss how many stars are in the sky...Read today's Creation Account!

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Writing Activities

Writing Activity Ideas for Your Creation Day 4 - Sun, Moon and Stars Theme!

Star Stories

In advance, place several star stickers on papers at the writing table.  

When the children come to the table, encourage them to write words or stories about today's Creation account and embellish the paper using colored pencils.

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