Creation Day 7 - He Rested Theme for Preschool

This Creation Day 7 Preschool Theme - He Rested page is based on Genesis 2:1-3

"2 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.

2 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. 

3 Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done." (Genesis 2:1-3, NIV)

You'll find more themes to help you with your planning on my bible preschool themes page.

Creation Day 7 Preschool Theme

Let's Talk!

This 7th Day is one that is confusing for many.  Many may wonder, "Did God take the day off from His creation?" 

Typically, it is portrayed in art and in most children's activities, that God and all His creation ITALIC slept on the 7th day.  

I do understand this way of looking at "God rested", however, God's "rest" appears differently in Scripture than the way we look at "rest".  

When we rest, we usually chill, sleep, nap, have a "do nothing" day!  Most preschool activities I've seen suggest activities about sleeping and napping.

When God rests, it is different!  It is not because He's wiped out or just "done" for the day!  God is always in control!  

In Hebrews 4:9-10, we are told "So then, there remains a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his." (NIV)

In Isaiah 40:28 we read that the Lord, "...will not grow tired or weary..." (NIV).  

God did not rest on the 7th day because He was tired.  He rested from creating.  He saw that what  He had created was good and He was pleased.

On the 7th day, God sets an example to us.  He blessed the day and called it Holy, and set the day apart.  It is a day for us to rest from work and rest in His peace.

What we set in motion may stay in motion.  Let's teach the children what He Rested means rather than equate it to taking a nap, thus avoiding biblical confusion for them later on in life!

This page includes preschool lesson plans, activities and Interest Learning Center ideas for your Preschool Classroom!

You can either scroll down through this page to see all of the preschool activities for your theme or click the link below to go to a specific day of Creation.

Now, Let the theme planning begin!

To read my Statement of Faith, click here.

DAY7 Art Activities Block Area Circle Time Activities Cooking Recipes Dramatic Play Ideas Easel Ideas Gross Motor Games Library and Literacy Math And Manipulatives Activities Music and Movement Sand and Water Table Science Activities Writing Activities

Here are the links for activities for each specific DAY of Creation and the General Creation Theme Page!

Creation Day 1- Light
Creation Day 2- Sky and Water
Creation Day 3- Land, Seas and Vegetation
Creation Day 4- Sun, Moon and Stars
Creation Day 5- Fish and Birds
Creation Day 6- Animals and People
Creation Theme

Creation Day 7 - He Rested Theme Activities begin Here!

Art Activities

Creation Day 7 - He Rested Theme Art

Creation Day 7 Preschool Theme Art Activity

Paint To Music

Play relaxing music as the children paint with bright watercolor paints.

Paint, use markers or crayons!  Cover under the table with paper and provide pillows!

Under the Table Enjoyment!

Tape paper under your table.  Provide the children with pillows and markers or paint!

Observe What He Has Made!

Materials needed:  Paper, paint, brushes.

Show the children how to make a cross shape using their hand prints (about 3 hand prints going up and down and 2 across).

Then use brushes to paint pictures of all the things God has made!

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Block Area

Creation Day 7 - He Rested Theme Block Center Ideas

Foam Blocks

Provide soft, foam blocks to build with today.  Make chairs or pillows to rest on!

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Circle Time Activities

Creation Day 7 - He Rested Theme Circle Time Ideas

Circle Time is such a great time for children to learn the social skills of being together as a large group AND to learn more about your theme!

Bible Story

Read about Day 7 from your favorite children's Bible or your own Bible. Genesis 2:1-3

Your Own Words

Tell the account of Genesis 2:1-3 in your own words!  Discuss what God did this day!  He did not sleep, He rested from creating when He saw that all He made was good!

Theme Prop Intro

How about a fancy chair to rest on!

Decorate a chair with fancy ribbons, bows, cushions.

Tell the kids that you are resting in a chair.  Talk about what resting means.  (It is not sleeping or quitting!)  

What do they like to do when resting?  Read?  Draw?

If You're Happy and you Know It!

God was pleased when He looked at His creation!

Sing this song and make up your own Creation verses!

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!

If you're happy and you know it then your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!

If you love God's creation, shout hooray!...

Cooking Recipes

Snack Recipe Ideas to Cook Up for Your Creation Day 7 Theme!

Cooking with children helps develop their math skills and helps them to learn how to follow directions. It also allows for some great conversation! Ask many questions while cooking with your children to encourage conversation! Be sure to ask specific themed questions while making these fun snacks!

Cross Toast

Make toast or french toast.  Use cross cookie cutters to cut out.  Enjoy!

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Dramatic Play Ideas

Creation Day 7 - He Rested Theme Ideas to Transform Your Dramatic Play Area

Church or a Sunday School Classroom!

What a great place to be to worship God and thank Him for His creation and for our own lives and salvation!

Set up your dramatic play area to look like the Sanctuary or a Sunday school classroom and let the children sing God's praises!

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Easel Ideas

Creation Day 7 - He Rested Theme Ideas for your Easel--

More Than Just Painting (Although that is always THE favorite in our classroom!)

God Created...

Print God created... on the top of a paper. 

Encourage the children to draw something they love about God's creation!

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Gross Motor Games

Creation Day 7 - He Rested Theme Large Group Games 

that help build their muscles while they have fun together


This is like freeze tag.  One child is "it" and tags another child.  The child who was tagged is now "it" and the tagger finds a comfortable place to rest and read a book!

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Library and Literacy

Creation Day 7 - He Rested Theme Ideas for Your Library Area

Book Suggestions for the Library

(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website.  If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )

The 7 Days of Creation by Mindy MacDonald

God Made Colors: The Berenstain Bears by Jan and Mike Berenstain

God Made Weather by Catherine MacKenzie

ABC From Land And Sea by Kathy Kesner and Irene Kueh

Land and Sea by Claire Llewellyn

Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star any version!

Are You My Mother by by P. D. Eastman (my all time favorite book!)

Hooray for Fish by Lucy Cousins

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss

Lots and Lots and Lots of non-fiction books about birds and fish that have great pictures!

The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse by Eric Carle

God Made Animals by Michael Vander Klipp

God Made Me by Tyndale Kids

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Math And Manipulatives Activities

Creation Day 7 - He Rested Theme Activities to help your Preschoolers develop those small muscles in their hands!

Creation Day 7 Preschool Theme Match Activity

Creation Match Game

Materials needed: 2 duplicate pictures for each day of Creation for a matching game, story retelling activity and/or memory game!

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Music and Movement

Creation Day  7- He Rested Theme Music and Movement Activities and Ideas to get your Preschoolers Movin' and Groovin'!

God Created

There is a great song my daughter's Sunday school teacher sang during the Creation Theme.

It is sung to the tune of Frere Jacques

Today, sing:

God created!  God created!

Night and day, night and day.

That was on the first day.

That was on the first day.

And it was good!  It was good!

God created!  God created!

Sky and clouds, sky and clouds.

That was on the second day.

That was on the second day.

And it was good!  It was good.

God created!  God created!

Land and plants.  Land and plants.

That was on the third day.

That was on the third day.

And it was good!  And it was good!

God created!  God created!

Sun, moon and stars!  Sun, moon and stars!

That was on the fourth day.

That was on the fourth day.

And it was good!  It was good!

God created!  God created!

Fish and birds!  Fish and birds!

That was on the fifth day.

That was on the fifth day.

And it was good!  It was good!

God created!  God created!

Animals and people!  Animals and people!

That was on the sixth day.

That was on the sixth day.

And it was good!  It was good!

Then He rested.  Then He rested.

From His work.  From His work.

That was on the seventh day.

That was on the seventh day.

And all was good!  All was good!

Let's sing thank you!

Let's sing thank you!

To our God!  To our God!

Thank you for Creation!

Thank you for Creation!

God is good!  God is good!

He's Got The Whole World In His Hands (song)

He's got the whole wide world in His hands,

He's got the whole wide world in His hands,

He's got the whole wide world in His hands,

He's got the whole world in His hands.

He's got the wind and the rain in His hands...

He's got the little, bitty baby, in His hands...

He's got you and me, brother, in His hands...

My God Is So Big song

This is a great preschool Bible song found on ITALIC Bible Songs  by Cedarmont Kids

My God is so big (hands out wide), so strong and so mighty (flex muscles).

There's nothing my God can not do (shaking head no and 2 stomps after "do).

My God is so big (hands out wide), so strong and so mighty (flex muscles).

There's nothing my God can not do (shaking head no and 2 stomps after "do).

He made the trees (reach up like a tree with branches).

He made the seas (move hands like waves).

He made the elephants, too (use arm as trunk and make elephant noise).

My God is so big (hands out wide), so strong and so mighty (flex muscles).

There's nothing my God can not do (shaking head no and 2 stomps after "do).

My God is so big (hands out wide), so strong and so mighty (flex muscles).

There's nothing my God can not do (shaking head no and 2 stomps after "do).

The mountains are His (make mountain shape with arm)

The rivers are His (move arm like a windy river).

The skies are his handy works, too  (point up)

My God is so big (hands out wide), so strong and so mighty (flex muscles).

There's nothing my God can not do (shaking head no and 2 stomps after "do).

There's nothing my God can not do (shaking head no and 2 stomps after "do).

There's nothing my God can not do (shaking head no and 2 stomps after "do).

FOR YOU (point to each other and sing loudly!)

Musical Squares

Use carpet squares for this game. 

Have one for each child.

Play music, when it stops, they all find a square to sit and rest on.

Do not take any way!  Just keep playing!

VARIATION:  You could put pictures from days of Creation (like an animal, a bird, water, etc.) on paper (make 2 of each).

Place one on each carpet square.  Pass the duplicate pictures out to the children.  They need to find the carpet square with their picture when the music stops.

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Sand and Water Table

Creation Day 7 - He Rested Theme Activities for the Senses!

Relaxing Moon Sand!

Homemade Moon Sand Recipe - 

Materials needed:  4 cups play sand, 2 cup corn starch, 1 cup water, 2 tbsp colored powdered paint, lots of glitter!  

Mix sand and cornstarch together.  

Add water, 1/2 cup at a time until the mixture is crumbly but holds together when used.

Add powdered paint and mix through.

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Science Activities

Creation Day 7 - He Rested Theme Science Activities--for your Preschool Scientists in Training!

Nature Enjoyment

Materials needed:  Add items from each day of Creation to observe, touch and enjoy!

Provide pictures of those items you don't have!

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Writing Activities

Writing Activity Ideas for Your Creation Day 7 - He Rested Theme!

Creation Day 7 Preschool Theme Writing Activity

Thank You!

Print the words Thank You God on paper (or print them on a card for the children who can to copy). 

The children trace the letters in the words Thank You God and then draw a picture of what they are thankful for.

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