So many activities so little time!
Here is an Easter Activities Theme that includes preschool lesson plans, activities and Interest Learning Center ideas for your Preschool Classroom!
You'll find more themes to help you with your planning on my preschool themes page.
Let the Theme planning begin!
Are you are looking for a full week's theme?
Are you looking for just a few activities to add to your plans? Either way, we've got you covered!
You can either scroll down through this page to see all of the preschool activities for your theme. OR, just click the picture links to go to the specific preschool activity type you are looking for.
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Many preschool Easter activities call for decorating eggs -of course!
There are several ways to prepare them. Hard-boiled eggs are common because they're little to no mess; however, they need to be kept refrigerated and only keep for a week or so.
Blown eggs can be displayed for as long as you'd like, but are more fragile.
Blown Eggs:
Hard-Boiled Eggs:
Painted Easter Eggs:
Dyed Easter Eggs:
Buy an egg dying kit. Here are a few of my favorites:
Tissue Paper Eggs:
Easter Egg Holder:
Bunny Bag Puppet
Materials needed: paper lunch bags (white or brown), pink and black mini pom poms (noses), googley eyes, ear shaped stencils (the children trace and cut out--or you can precut ears), large white pom pom for the tail.
The children glue the items onto their bag to make puppets.
Provide crayons for the children to color their bunnies (we've had children add shoes, feet, shirts, etc.!).
Pastel Sand Collage
Materials needed: colored sand, glue, card stock
The children brush glue on their paper.
They sprinkle different colors of sand for a beautiful Easter colored collage.
We have used salt and pepper shakers for the sand.
Your Own Sand!
Colored sand can be expensive. You can make your own! Have the children help do this as an activity!
Place table salt in a paper plate. Rub sidewalk chalk back and forth over the salt and it will color it!
Egg Towers
You KNOW you have a ton of colored, plastic eggs! Take them apart and place them in your block area. Encourage the kids to see how tall they can stack them!
Circle Time is such a great time for children to learn the social skills of being together as a large group AND to learn more about your theme!
Easter Bunny Finger Puppets:
Did You Ever See a Rabbit? sung to Did You Ever See a Lassie?
Did you ever see a rabbit, a rabbit, a rabbit.
Did you ever see a rabbit on Easter morn?
He hops around so quickly..
And hides all the eggs.
Did you ever see a rabbit on Easter morn?
My Rabbit
My rabbit has two big ears (hold up middle and index fingers)
And a funny little nose (pinch other three fingers together to make nose)
He likes to eat carrots (move thum away from other to fingers to make eating motion)
And hopes where ever he goes (move hand up and down).
Bunny Felt Story
Make 5 bunny shapes out of felt and decorate as they should be based on the following poem. Place pieces on board as you tell it or have children help place them.
This little bunny has two pink eyes.
This little bunny is very wise.
This little bunny is soft as silk.
This little bunny is white as milk.
This little bunny eats away
On lettuce and carrots each and every day!
Cooking with children helps develop their math skills and helps them to learn how to follow directions. It also allows for some great conversation! Ask many questions while cooking with your children to encourage conversation! Be sure to ask specific themed questions while making these fun snacks!
Bunny Snacks
Bunnies LOVE veggies! Provide carrots, celery and lettuce with ranch dressing. Have the children help you to rinse and cut (with a plastic knife) the veggies.
Pet Store
Most preschoolers think they want a bunny for a pet at this time of year. Just some information for you: Humane Societies are inundated with surrendered bunnies at this time of year because families realize how much work they are or are given a rabbit by a well meaning family member.
Whose Ears?
Try pre-taping bunny ears on the paper at the easel and let the children paint the rest of it!
Bunny Hokey Pokey
Do the Hokey Pokey but use rabbit terms!
Put your right ear in....
Put your cotton tail in...
We hop our whole selves in...
...We do the bunny pokey and we hop ourselves around
Glow in the Dark Egg Hunt
I saw a picture of this on Pinterest--wicked awesome!
Place glow sticks in plastic eggs.
Hide them in a semi dark space.
They are so cool to look for and glow through the plastic!
Egg Toss
No, not with real eggs...though--go for it if you feel brave!
Provide large baskets (laundry baskets or bins or boxes).
The children try to toss the eggs into the basket from a short distance.
VARIATION: Provide colored bins and the children toss the correct colored egg into the matching bin.
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Book Suggestions for the Library
(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website. If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )
Holiday Puzzles
Provide different themed shapes: rabbits, eggs, chicks, etc.
The children paint them with watercolor paint.
When dried, laminate and then cut into pieces for the children to use!
Peter Cottontail Song
This is a great traditional song that does get stuck in your head!
Here comes Peter Cottontail.
Hopping down the bunny trail.
Hippity, hoppity, Easter's on its way!
Hop around while singing once the kids know the song!
The Rabbit sung to London Bridge
Rabbit's fur is soft and white, soft and white, soft and white
Rabbit's fur is soft and white. What a pretty site!
His ears flop so high and low, high and low, high and low.
His ears flop so high and low...what him go!
Hap Palmer
Easter Activities Theme Parade Time!
Every theme should have a musical instrument parade! Perhaps the kids can wear hats for a hat parade!
Sand Box!
Put sand, eggs and craft sticks or an indoor egg hunt in the sand box!
Bunny Tails....Kind of!
Place lots and lots of pom poms and cotton balls...all colors and sizes; tweezers, spoons and cups.
The children will need no direction! Some will just feel them, squish them, toss them. Some will sort by color, count, etc.
Egg Sucker!
Materials needed: glass bottle with a neck that is smaller than an egg; hard boiled egg, HOT water or ICE COLD water.
Place egg on neck of bottle (narrower end of egg should rest in bottle neck but not fit through).
Run bottle under VERY HOT water or immerse in ICE COLD WATER.
Watch and wait! As the air in the bottle and around the bottle change, it creates pressure that will suck the egg right into the bottle!
Try this at home so that you know you have the correct sized bottle and the correct temperature of water.
It is very cool!
Pastel Chalk
Materials needed: Colored sidewalk chalk, paper, water
Dip chalk into water and draw on paper or on the ground outside.
When drawing on paper, the texture is very smooth and the colors bold. The colors lighten as it dries.
A favorite of ours all year long!
Bunny Ears
Materials needed for this Easter Activities theme idea: bunny ear stencils (made out of manilla folders or cardboard); crayons, scissors, tape, strips of paper that are long enough to fit around children's heads
Place bunny ear stencils and crayons at the table.
The children cut them out and tape to the headband.
They also print their name and decorate the headband.
Pet Shop Visit
Visit a Pet Store or invite someone to come to your class with a pet that goes along with your Easter Activities theme!
Easter Bulletin Board
Click here for a few Easter bulletin board ideas.
A Christian Easter Theme
CLICK HERE to go to my Christian Easter Theme page!
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