Email Change and PayPal Orders WILL Affect YOU!

What does an email change have to do with PayPal or Amazon or other online business?  

Does this scenario sound familiar?

You ordered that preschool workshop or resource or e-book.  You received notification that payment was accepted.  So, where is it?

Why hasn't that digital book or product that you need for your preschool classroom or preschool lesson plans arrived in your email?

If you are like me, you've had an email change over the past few years.  You notified your family, friends, co-workers and even *sigh* bill companies (electric, credit cards, etc.), but online companies never crossed your mind!

What Happened?

We don't tend to think of updated our accounts with companies like PayPal, Amazon, etc.  Sometimes it won't matter.......for years!  

If you purchase a hard good such as books, classroom supplies, games, clothes, or other item online and use PayPal, you typically receive a receipt from the company your ordered from notifying you that payment has been received and when you can expect delivery.

The receipt is sent to the email you are currently using.  You receive your product in the mail and you're all set!

Not Updating an Email Change WILL Affect Digital Products!

However, when you use PayPal to order a digital product such as an e-book, online software, workshop or other item from a company that delivers it via email, you might not receive it!

Your digital product will be sent to the e-mail address that you have listed on your account with them!

Here at Preschool Plan It, my Online Preschool Workshops and supplemental Resource Packs  are delivered via email.  If you've ordered either and have a different email account than the one on file with PayPal--your workshop or products are sitting in your old email account!

This has happened to me a few times over the past several years.  For example, I had Verizon email for many years.  My Verizon email address was the one I had on file with PayPal.

When I switched to Comcast years later, I never updated that change in my e-mail account.

Therefore, when I ordered an a digital product, it was sent to my Verizon e-mail account, NOT my Comcast account!

What To Do?!!

With a new school year beginning AND with....dare I say shopping season coming upon us's important that you receive all your products and/or receipts!

Check your PayPal or other online payment service you use to make sure that the email address you have on file is an active one and the one you want your products and receipts sent to!

Think of the online companies that you do business with and take some time to check your account profiles to make sure they have your most current information.

Companies that come to mind for me are:

PayPal and/or other online payment programs you use to purchase items online.

And while you're at it, update your information with companies you do business with a lot!  For me, that includes Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and the like.

Don't forget the companies you use a lot for preschool such as Discount School Supply, Melissa and Doug, Oriental Trading, etc.

Happy updating!

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