February Preschool Themes

February Preschool Themes

There are many themes and topics for February depending on what your children are into! Here are a few ideas for some February preschool themes for your classroom!

My Suggested February Preschool Themes

Preschool Dental Health Theme activities for your preschool program!  Dental Care is but one of the personal and social development learning areas for preschoolers.

This theme helps them to develop positive habits and skills that will last a lifetime

Go to the Dental Health Preschool Theme Here!

This Black History Month Theme for Preschool includes preschool lesson plans, activities and Interest Learning Center ideas for your Preschool Classroom!

Go to the Black History Preschool Theme Here!

This Post Office Preschool Theme has activities for you to help children learn more about this community service. 

We typically have this theme going alongside our Valentines Day Theme as children create cards and write letters! 

Go to the Post Office Preschool Theme Here!

This Woodland Animals Preschool Theme is all about animals that live...well...in the woods!  

They are all around this time of year! Let's explore them! 

Go to the Woodland Animals Preschool Theme Here!

Friendship in preschool--it's all about the friends!

We can take some time during these activities to teach the kids HOW a friend acts and behaves.

We can also teach them that, Yes--it IS ok to have more than ONE friend!

Great theme to do alongside Valentines Day!

Go to the Friendship Preschool Theme Here!

Jesus is the model servant in this passage.  He wrapped a towel around his waist, as the household servant would have done in his time, and did the job that a servant would do.  

This passage serves as the opportunity to teach our children to be humble servants; to look to who we can serve in our own lives.  If Jesus--God incarnate--is willing to serve, we should follow that example as well.

Go to the Jesus Washes Feet Preschool Theme Here!

February Preschool Themes - Holidays

Groundhog Day is on February 2 each year.  

Poor Punxatawny Phil!

They wake him from his hibernation to keep up with us all!

This one day theme page is filled with preschool activities and ideas for all areas of your classroom.

Go to the Groundhog Day Preschool Theme Here!

Valentines Day is on February 14th each year. Celebrate and use this theme for a week before for fun and friendship!

Go to the Valentine Theme Here!

Mardi Gras falls on a different day each year: it is always on a Tuesday, 47 days before Easter and therefore may fall between February and March (check your calendars!).

Mardi Gras is French for 'Fat Tuesday', reflecting the practice of the last night of eating richer, fatty foods before the ritual fasting of the Lenten season. 

Go to the Mardi Gras Theme Page Here!

Presidents Day is a U.S. holiday which falls on the 3rd Monday of February. It is to celebrate the leaders of our country and get to learn a little about our U.S. history.

Go to the Presidents Day Preschool Theme Here!

The Date of Chinese New Year changes each year - it may fall between January and February (check your calendars!). Chinese New Year is a time for the children to learn about this Spring festival celebrated in China.

Go to the Chinese New Year Theme Here!

Dr. Seuss' birthday is March 2! This is a great time to celebrate his birthday and Read Across America week!

Start planning this month!

Go to the Dr. Seuss Theme Here!

Keep in mind that the seasons may be different where you are so my suggestions may not work for you. Here are other ways to search for preschool themes for you!

Not sure which themes to teach next month?

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