Good Samaritan Theme for Preschool

This Good Samaritan Preschool Theme page includes preschool lesson plans, activities and Interest Learning Center ideas for your Preschool Classroom!

You might want to use one or all of these activities during the week that you include this Bible story in your program.

Let the Theme planning begin!  This parable can be found in your Bible in Luke 10:25-37

You can either scroll down through this page to see all of the preschool activities for your theme or click the link below to go to specific preschool activity types you are looking for.

You'll find more themes to help you with your planning on my bible preschool themes page.

Good Samaritan Preschool Bible Theme

To read my Statement of Faith, click here.

GOOD SAMARITAN Art Activities Block Area Circle Time Activities Dramatic Play Ideas Easel Ideas Gross Motor Games Library and Literacy Math And Manipulatives Activities Music and Movement Sand and Water Table Science Activities Writing Activities Miscellaneous Ideas

Art Activities

Good Samaritan Theme Art

Good Samaritan Preschool Bible Theme Art Activity

On The Look Out!

Materials needed:  One paper towel tube for each child; crayons, stickers, arts and crafts supplies and glue.

The children decorate their "telescope".  When dry, they use it to be "on the look out" for friends who might need help in their class or to notice when someone is being helpful!

SUGGESTION:  Hole punch a hole in one end to string yarn so that the children can walk around with their telescope around their neck and not lose it!

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Block Area

Good Samaritan Theme Block Center Ideas

Add people and animals to your block area during this theme.

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Circle Time Activities

Good Samaritan Theme Circle Time Ideas

Circle Time is such a great time for children to learn the social skills of being together as a large group AND to learn more about your theme!

Act It Out!

Assign your students one part in this story.  You'll need: Robbers, The Levite, the Priest, the Samaritan, the Man, the Innkeeper

As you read the story, pause to let each child act out their part.

Repeat so that all of your children have a turn acting a part out.

VARIATION:  Print out pictures of each part and give one to each child.  They place their piece on the flannel board as their part is read.

You could use flannel pieces of:  Robbers, The man, the Levite, the Priest, the Samaritan, the Innkeeper, the Inn, some money

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Dramatic Play Ideas

Good Samaritan Theme Ideas to Transform Your Dramatic Play Area

Being Good Samaritans

Provide band-aids, bandages, dolls, stuffed animals and doctor kits!

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Easel Ideas

Good Samaritan Theme Ideas for your Easel--

More Than Just Painting (Although that is always THE favorite in our classroom!)

Q-Tip Painting

In advance, wrap extra gauze around the cotton tip of a Q-Tip.  

The children use these to paint with today!

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Gross Motor Games

Good Samaritan Theme Large Group Games 

that help build their muscles while they have fun together

Band Aid Team Relay

Good Samaritan Preschool Bible Theme Large Group Activity

Materials Needed:  LOTS of band-aids!

The class is a team (no need for competitive teams in preschool--let's work on having them work together!); a baby doll

The children go, one at a time across the room to the doll.  They open one band aid, put it on the doll and come back to their friends.

The next child goes and does the same.

Encourage the children to cheer on their friend who is helping the hurt doll!

SUGGESTION:  Take the outside papers off in advance so that the only part the children have to take off are the 2 pieces that peel.  Tearing and ripping the outer paper of a band-aid is a bit too much for preschoolers to handle!

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Library and Literacy

Theme Ideas for Your Library and Literacy Activities for your Preschool Classroom


Provide people puppets (and a donkey puppet if you can find one!) to allow the children to act out the story on their own!

Book Suggestions for the Library

(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website.  If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )

The Berenstain Bears Lend a Helping Hand by Jan and Stan Berenstain

The Berenstain Bears Love Their Neighbors by Jan and Stan Berenstain

Donkey to the Rescue by Tim Dowley and Steve Smallman

The Story of the Good Samaritan by Patricia A Pingry

Who Is Sam Harrington? by Dara Goldman

ZuZu's Wishing Cake by Linda Michelin
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Math And Manipulatives Activities

Math and Manipulatives Activityes

 to help your Preschoolers develop those small muscles in their hands!

Money Sorting

The Good Samaritan paid all the expenses incurred by the hurt man. Provide a large bowl of coins.  Provide empty bowls or cups for the children to sort by type, size, color, etc.

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Music and Movement

Music and Movement Activities and Ideas

to get your Preschoolers Movin' and Groovin'!

Pass the Bean Bag

Play music while all the children sit in a circle.  When the music stops, the child with the bean bag holds onto the bean bag.

The goal is to help each other to have a turn.  Many times, preschoolers want to THROW the bean bag or toss it to the person they want.

This is a great activity to help them focus on being sure EVERYONE has a turn!

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Sand and Water Table

Sand and Water Table 

Themed Activities for the Senses!

The Jericho Road

Place sand, small rocks, a donkey, a house and little people in your sand table.  This gives the children the items they need to act out the story!

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Science Activities

Science Activities

for your Preschool Scientists in Training!

How Will We Pay?

Make corn starch goop.  You make this by added cornstarch and water.  When in your bin, it will feel hard to the touch.  

When you lift it with your hands, your body heat melts the "solid" to a liquid!  It is VERY awesome!

To connect to this theme's story, add some coins to the mixture.  

When the children use their hands to pick up pieces of the "solid", they will find the coins as the goop melts in their hands!

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Writing Activities

Writing Activity Ideas for Your theme!

Good Samaritan Preschool Bible Theme Writing Activity

Get Well Cards

Provide crayons, stickers and blank cards for the children to decorate.  Keep the cards in your classroom and mail one out with the children each time a child is out sick.

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Miscellaneous Ideas

Miscellaneous Activities for your theme!

Service Projects

Here are some service projects related to this Bible theme:

1.  Collect items for a local shelter.  

Call the shelter to find out what they are in need of.  Focus on one item to collect.  For example, our local shelter runs out of toilet paper often.  If every preschool family donates a four pack of toilet paper, wow!  What a difference that would make!

2.  Collect items for backpacks to donate to children in need.

3.  Collect hats, mittens and gently used coats to donate to local schools or shelters in need.  

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