Jesus Feeds 5000 Preschool Theme

This Jesus Feeds 5000 Preschool theme is also referred to as the Fishes and Loaves Bible story.

You will find this Bible story in:

Matthew 14:13-21  ---  Mark 6:30-44   ---   Luke 9:10-17   ---   John 6:1-14

You'll find more themes to help you with your planning on my bible preschool themes page.

Jesus Feeds 5000 Preschool Bible Theme

To read my Statement of Faith, click here.

You can either scroll down through this page to see all of the preschool activities for your theme.

You can also click the picture links below to go to specific preschool activity types you are looking for.

Let the Theme planning begin!

Jesus Feeds 5000 Art Activities

Jesus Feeds 5000 Preschool Bible Theme Art Activity

Fishing Rod Painting

Materials Needed: Dowel rods (or long sticks from outside) with string tied to one end and a paint brush tied to the other end; paper plates with paint on them; paper to paint on.

The children use their fishing rods to lower the paintbrushes into the paint and then onto their paper.

Suggestion: Not a great table activity! Try covering a large floor area with newspaper for the children to do this activity on.

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Jesus Feeds 5000 Block Center Ideas

Add as many little people as you can find to the block area today to show how many people Jesus was preaching to on the day of His fishes and loaves miracle.

The children can use the blocks to make hills and areas for the people to sit on while they listen to Jesus teach about God. Encourage your children to "teach" the people about God!

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Jesus Feeds 5000 Circle Time Ideas

Circle Time is such a great time for children to learn the social skills of being together as a large group AND to learn more about your theme!

Picnic Blanket Storytime

In advance, place a large (or a few large) blankets at circle time. Tell the Bible story as a large group sitting together and then share some goldfish crackers as you read the story.

Flannel Board Storytime

In advance, prepare the following flannel pieces: 2 colorful fish shapes, 5 loaves of bread and 12 baskets (You can use paper and place velcro or dryer fabric sheets on the back instead of using actual felt pieces)

Give each child a story piece and pause while telling the story for each child to place their piece on the board.

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Join my FREE Preschool Teacher Tips Email Community today and receive:
Weekly tips and planning ideas!

And, on the 1st of each month I'll email you a free
theme starter pack that includes a printable activity mat or game, 
Calendar pieces, a playdough recipe and a song poster! 

Join NOW and I'll also send you the theme planning forms I use!
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Cooking Ideas for Your Jesus Feeds 5000 Theme

Cooking with children helps develop their math skills and helps them to learn how to follow directions. It also allows for some great conversation! Ask many questions while cooking with your children to encourage conversation! Be sure to ask specific themed questions while making these fun snacks!

Home Made Bread

Use your favorite recipe to make home made bread with the children.

Jesus Feeds 5000 Preschool Bible Theme Snack Idea

Crackers and Fish

Provide cream cheese (or other cheese spread), crackers and goldfish crackers.

The children spread the cheese and then count out 2 goldfish, and place the gold fish on top of their cheese spread.

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Jesus Feeds 5000 Theme Ideas To Transform Your Dramatic Play Area

Picnic Time

Does more need to be said?! Provide a large blanket, play food and Bibles in your Dramatic play center!

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Jesus Feeds 5000 Theme Ideas For Your Easel

Coffee Filter Fish

In advance, cut coffee filters into fish shapes. Provide washable markers and spray bottles with water at your easel.

The children color the fish and when they spray them with water, the colors blend. BEAUTIFUL effect!

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Jesus Feeds 5000 Theme Large Group Games That Help Your Preschoolers Build Their Muscles While Having Fun Together!

Magnet Fishing

Use dowel rods or sticks from outside. Tie string or yarn to one end of the stick. Tie a magnet on the other end of the string or yarn.

Cut out fish shapes and place large, metal paper clips to the mouths of each fish.

The children use the rods to fish for fish!

VARIATION: Program the fish to go along with a concept you are working with. They can fish for fish with letters on them--they must catch them in order: A, B, etc.

Or program them with numerals on them, or with names or words on them!

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Jesus Feeds 5000 Library Ideas

Provide many different Bibles available for the children to see this story, especially Picture Bibles!

(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website.  If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )

The Children’s Beginner Bible by Kelly Pulley (Illustrator)

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand: Level 1 by Crystal Bowman

Jesus Feeds 5000 Theme Ideas To Help Your Preschoolers Develop The Small Muscles In Their Hands and Their Math Skills!

Fishes and Loaves Necklaces

Materials: Ziti macaroni, string or yarn, pre-cut fish from sturdy tagboard.

The children string the ziti and fish to make their own jewelry. Encourage them to make patterns (i.e. 2 fish, 2 "loaves" (ziti) or fish, ziti, fish, ziti).

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Jesus Feeds 5000 Theme Music and Movement Activities To Get Your Preschoolers Movin' and Groovin'!

Jesus Feeds 5000 Song

sung to the tune of Have You Ever Seen a Lassie

Jesus fed five thousand, five thousand, five thousand.

Jesus fed five thousand, He loved them so much.

There were men and women and also their children.

Jesus fed five thousand, with 2 fishes and 5 loaves.

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Jesus Feeds 5000 Theme Ideas for Your Sand and Water Table

Swimming Fish

Use water, plastic fish and plastic boats in your water table today!

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Jesus Feeds 5000 Theme Science Ideas
For Your Preschool Scientists In Training!

Jesus Feeds 5000 Preschool Bible Theme Science Activity

Beta Fish!

Materials Needed: Just a fish in a bowl. This is a classroom pet but may be fun for the children to observe!

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Writing Activity Ideas for Your Jesus Feeds 5000 Theme

Name Printing

Materials Needed: Provide a loaf of bread shaped stencil.

Encourage the children to trace the loaf shape and then cut it out with scissors. They then print their name on the bread for name practice.

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Weekly tips and planning ideas!

And, on the 1st of each month I'll email you a free
theme starter pack that includes a printable activity mat or game, 
Calendar pieces, a playdough recipe and a song poster! 

Join NOW and I'll also send you the theme planning forms I use!
It's all FREE? You in? 
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Go to the main BIBLE THEME page for more ideas!

Go to the main THEMES PAGE for more theme ideas!

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