This Jesus Washes Feet of the Disciples Preschool Theme for preschool is based on John 13:1-17.
Jesus is the model servant in this passage.
He wrapped a towel around his waist, as the household servant would have done in his time, and did the job that a servant would do.
You'll find more themes to help you with your planning on my bible preschool themes page.
This passage serves as the opportunity to teach our children to be humble servants; to look to who we can serve in our own lives. If Jesus--God incarnate--is willing to serve, we should follow that example as well.
This page includes preschool lesson plans, activities and Interest Learning Center ideas for your Preschool Classroom!
To read my Statement of Faith, click here.
Let the Theme planning begin!
You can either scroll down through this page to see all of the preschool activities for your theme or click the link below to go to specific preschool activity types you are looking for.
Mud Painting
Materials needed: brown finger paint and finger paint paper
No explanation needed! You could add some sand or dirt to the paint as well.
Foot Trace & Paint
Materials Needed: white paper, washable markers, paint, brushes
Help the children to trace their feet---yes-barefoot, toes and all!
They then paint their traced feet.
Footprints on a Map!
Place pre-cut foot shapes--small ones--in your block area.
The children can build cities with blocks and then use the foot prints to show the route people can walk to get from city to city.
Circle Time is such a great time for children to learn the social skills of being together as a large group AND to learn more about your theme!
Bible Story
Materials needed: Children's Bible, a pair of sandals, a small dish of sand and/or dirt.
Introduce the biblical times reason for foot washing:
What is the first thing we do before we sit down to eat?
We wash our hands.
Our hands get very dirty, so we need to wash them before coming to the table.
What are some ways our hands get dirty?
In Jesus' time, people wore sandals all the time (show sandals) because of the weather. Back then, roads were dirt roads. (Sift some dirt or sand in a bin for the children to see). They were not paved like ours are now. People's feet got very sandy and dirty from walking around.
When they came into the house, they would wash their feet before walking through the house so they did not track dirt throughout the house.
Read John 13:1-17 to the children.
Jesus was their teacher--their leader, but he washed their feet. Why? As a way to show how to be a servant and serve others.
When Jesus served the meal, he talked to his disciples (another word for followers) about him becoming a servant for them again.
Think "Ours" Instead of "Mine"!
Bold goal for preschool, I know! For this circle time activity, bring some new sheets of stickers to circle (or a bucket of new chalk) and place them in front of you at circle. Pour it out of a bag very dramatically and excitedly!
"Look what I have for us!!!"
The children may get excited and begin taking one or more!
After a minute or so, remind the children that you brought these items in for ALL of us! Tell them,
"We get so excited to see new things that we like and want! The first thing we do is think 'I LOVE those--I want some' and take what we want. What we need to do is serve others, as Jesus taught his disciples.
Let's put all these items back into the bag for now. We'll play with them a little later."
Read the Bible story.
Talk about the story. Discuss what serving others means (thinking of what others need or want before what we need or want).
After discussion, ask "So, based on this story, what do you suppose Jesus would want you to do with all these (items) that I brought in for ALL of us?"
Hopefully one of your children says you should share with everyone!
Pass out the items, one at a time. Give one to the first child, and tell him to pass it to the next friend and so on until the last person in your circle has one.
Keep doing this until every child has one.
Discuss the importance of serving (helping and sharing) with others as Jesus wants us to do.
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theme starter pack that includes a printable activity mat or game,
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Shoes, Shoes, Shoes!
In a large bin, provide a lot of shoes that lace (NO Velcro or slip on shoes!).
Let the children try on different shoes. Encourage them to try to unlace, lace and tie!
--More Than Just Painting (Although that is always THE favorite in our classroom!)
Foot Dazzle
I saw this on a Pinterest Page but used with a cross shape (I have added that picture to my Pinterest page...see link at the bottom of this page).
This is a great fine motor skill but may be difficult for the children to set up. I would suggest making these in advance.
Cut out foot shapes from sturdy paper (card stock).
Color ONLY around the edges with oil pastel crayons (this is the part that may be difficult for your kids to do). Use different colors all around the edges.
Attach one of these to a white piece of paper on the easel.
The child use their thumbs and fingers to rub the crayon from the foot shape to the paper.
When they are done, remove the foot shape and you will have a beautiful outline of a foot!
EXTENSION: Have children glue a printed copy of the footprint poem to it or a printed copy of the Bible story.
Preschool Twister!
Materials needed: A few Twister game mats or make your own by having many precut (large!) circles of different colors.
The goal is for the children to help/serve each other by working together to fit on a circle of the color you call out.
Shoe Sort
Have children take of their shoes. Have them hand you ONE of their shoes and hold their other shoe.
Place these shoes in a row at the other end of the room.
The children all place their one shoe on the floor in front of them and sit down.
Tell them when you tap their head, they should stand up.
Tap every other child's head.
Tell the children who are standing that they are going to serve one of their friends by finding their other shoe for them.
Now, help that child to take off the shoe of the child standing next to them.
Instruct them to now go to the other side of the room and find the matching shoe of their friend and bring both shoes back to their friends.
They then help their friend to put their shoes on.
That friend now takes their shoe and finds the correct match and helps them to put their shoes on as well.
Book Suggestions for the Library
(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website. If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )
Foot Lacing
In advance, cut out foot shapes. Laminate. Hole punch the edges.
Provide shoelaces for the children to learn to lace with!
Hokey Pokey!
Change up the words to go with this Bible story.
You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out, you put your right foot in and let Jesus wash it off.
You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around.
Which king humbled himself for us? JESUS!
Let's try it!
In your sand and water table, add water and some soap (small bars) as well as hand and foot brushes (you could use toy brushes used for brushing dolls hair). Add your baby dolls and towels.
The children wash the feet of the babies by dipping the brush in the water and then rubbing it on the bar of soap and then washing the babies.
New Soap!
Materials needed: many bars of different colored soap; bowls, cheese graters, warm water, metal forks or spoons
Help the children use the cheese graters to grate some soap, placing their grated soap into a bowl. (keep all the scrapings sorted by color)
Give each child a bowl and let them scoop some of the colors they want into their bowl.
The children add warm water to their bowl to moisten (not drown!) their shavings.
They use their hands to mix the shavings and water together to make almost a playdough consistency.
VARIATION: Use white soap to grate. Add warm water and a drop of food coloring. Let harden after mixed. Use as colored crayons!
Jesus Loves Me
Make cards or papers with the words Jesus Loves on them.
The children practice printing these words and printing their name at the end "Jesus Loves Joey".
VARIATION: Make cards that say Jesus Loves You! and deliver to a local nursing home, school staff or others!
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And, on the 1st of each month I'll email you a free
theme starter pack that includes a printable activity mat or game,
Calendar pieces, a playdough recipe and a song poster!
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I KNOW, I know, you spend hours of time developing your preschool themes, activities and preschool lesson plans each week. You are commited to planning preschool themes and activities that are engaging hands-on, interactive, fun AND meet the goal of supporting each child’s level of growth and development.
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