October Preschool Themes

October Preschool Themes

Here are some October Preschool Themes with ideas and fun activities for you preschool theme planning! Below you'll find preschool theme ideas for October for some fun themes as well as for holidays and special days! 

My Suggested October Preschool Themes

Preschool Apple activities are used so often in preschool, so here is a page dedicated to apples!

This theme is endless in the possible activities and adventures your preschoolers can participate in!

Go to the Apples Preschool Theme Here!

A Community Helpers theme can cover many groups of people who help in our neighborhoods.

Explain to the children that a community can be small with only a few buildings and homes or large with many buildings and homes.

The people in the community help each other by offering goods and services.

Go to the Community Helpers
Preschool Theme Here!

Children are fascinated with construction…and destruction (think, knocking over block towers!). 

Have fun with this theme to introduce tools, vehicles and other things used during construction. 

This may also be a great theme to add to a Community Helpers focus! It can include carpenters, architects, engineers and more!

Go To the Construction Preschool Theme Here!

Doctor Community Helper Preschool ThemeDoctor Theme

A theme of Community Helpers Doctor focus can be presented separately or as part of an overall health theme that includes doctors, hospitals and dentist.

Use this theme in a way that best suits you and your students' needs.

This theme page is filled with preschool activities and ideas for all areas of your classroom.

Go to the Doctor Preschool Theme Here!

Fall Leaves Theme! There are so many activities available to teach so many concepts!

This theme page is filled with preschool lesson plans, activities and ideas for your classroom. 

 Go to the Fall Leaves Preschool Theme Here!

Toy firetrucks that make sounds and firefighter hats to wear!

A Preschool Fire Safety Theme includes those and so much more for your children's learning and safety.

Go to the Fire Safety Preschool Theme Here!

Community Helpers Police: This preschool theme will help you to inform children about the role of the police. Their job is to enforce the law.

They do this in many different ways, by patrolling the streets, getting to know the people who live in the town, helping people who have accidents, directing traffic to avoid accidents and more.

Go to the Police Preschool Theme Here!

Preschool Pumpkin Theme Activities in Autumn!  There are so many activities available to teach so many concepts with this theme!  

This page includes preschool lesson plans, activities and Interest Learning Center ideas for your Preschool Classroom!  

Go to the Pumpkin Preschool Theme Here!

October Preschool Themes- Special Days

Jesus Feeds 5000 is also referred to as the Fishes and Loaves Bible story.

You will find this Bible story in:
Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44

Luke 9:10-17 and John 6:1-14

Go to the Jesus Feeds 5000
Preschool Theme Here!

Thanksgiving Preschool ThemeThanksgiving Theme

Plan Early! This Preschool Thanksgiving Theme includes many activities and ideas including, of course, turkey ideas! It is that time of year!

This theme is endless in the possible activities and adventures your preschoolers can participate in!

Go to the Thanksgiving Preschool Theme Here!

Keep in mind that the seasons may be different where you are so my suggestions may not work for you. Here are other ways to search for preschool themes for you!

Not sure which themes to teach next month?

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