Plan a Theme 1P in I.P.O.P.

Plan A Theme: The 1st P in I.P.O.P.

I.P.O.P.  is an acronym I use to describe the brainstorming process of theme writing, while keeping the purpose of themes in mind.

I=Interesting, fun and exciting theme choice.

P=Printing any and all ideas that come to mind about that theme name.

O=Organize ideas into interest centers

P=Plan daily and weekly lessons

I.P.O.P. Steps  

In the last step (The "I" in I.P.O.P.), you listed all the themes you could think of based on what your children are interesting in or talking about. And then, you were to choose ONE topic.

Did you miss that step?  Click Here to go back to step one!  

Go to the Plan A Theme I Step One of IPOP Page

Now, Let's Move On!  Plan a Theme-Time for Step 2 of I.P.O.P.

On this page, we are working on Plan A Theme BOLD 1P (or the 1st P) from I.P.O.P. which is:

P=Printing any and all ideas that come to mind about that theme name.

For this step, you will need:

Your co-worker(s).

A very large piece of unlined chart paper.

Something to write with.

Your favorite beverage and a snack (I'm still all about the snackage and coffee!).


The purpose of this step is NOT to come up with specific activities for each and every interest center (although you might as you go along!).  

If I stop to think about what kind of activities you can come up with for Art for Quilts, my idea flow will be halted as I think only about art.

Instead, I am going to write everything that comes to mind when I think of Quilts.

The NEXT step will involve organizing these ideas.

But for now....just write ideas.

Let's Practice!

Let's, for example, say we are going to plan a theme about Dinosaurs.  

Write down all the words that come to mind.  We would print words that remind us of dinosaurs as well as activities that we know of or think of that have to do with this theme.

Your brainstorming Print/List activity might begin something like this:



dino stencils

dino stamps






"dinosaur" (chicken) bones








dino hokey pokey

plaster of paris and dino sorters

Dinofours Books


swamp.....wading pool?

Dinosaur Roar Book

Dino sorting

Dino felt pieces

Where have fossils been found?


Local archaeological site?

Make our own site using sand and spoons?

Dino eggs

"DIN_O_SAUR" song

You get the idea!

Just keep printing/listing any ideas that come to mind!

Your Turn!

Okay, so, now it's your turn!

Get that chart paper out.  

Print your topic name in the middle.

Print your ideas all around the paper.

Do NOT try to separate it by interest center.   Again, that will limit your thinking!  One idea might be used in several areas of your classroom. We'll sort that all out in the next step.

Here's how my QUILTS theme is shaping up:

How'd Your Plan-A-Theme 1st P in IPOP Go?

Well, now you should have a list of all types of activities!  HOW EXCITING!

Next Step

You have now completed the Plan a Theme 1P in the I.P.O.P. planning process!

The next step to Plan a Theme is the O in I.P.O.P.:  Organize into Interest Learning Centers

Click here for the Next Step: O in IPOP Page!

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