Preschool Apple Activities Theme for Preschool

Preschool Apple activities are used so often in preschool, so here is a page dedicated to apples!

This theme is endless in the possible activities and adventures your preschoolers can participate in!

This theme page is filled with preschool activities and ideas for all areas of your classroom.

You'll find more themes to help you with your planning on my preschool themes page.

Apple Preschool Theme

Let the Theme Planning Begin!

You can either scroll down through this page to see all of the preschool activities for your Preschool Apple Activities Theme or click the link below to go to specific preschool activity types you are looking for.

Preschool Apple Activities Theme Art

Apple Preschool Theme Art Activity

Stained "Glass" Apples

Materials Needed: waxed paper; red, yellow and green tissue paper; white glue; paint brushes; construction paper (red, green and white); apple shape stencils; scissors; crayon or marker

In advance cut out waxed paper into apple shapes (2 for each child). Also, make an apple shaped frame stencils by cutting them out manila folders or tagboard

The children brush glue onto both pieces of the waxed paper apple shapes, tear or cut tissue paper to stick on one of the apple shapes and glue the other piece on top.

Apple Core Painting

On a day that you are exploring apples, save the cores to use at the art table to paint with!

Provide the children with fingerpaint and fingerpaint paper. Put the paint in shallow trays. Use the cores to roll in the paint and then roll or stamp onto the paper.

Seed Collage

Materials Needed: Apple seeds and other seeds (sunflower, etc.); heavy paper (tagboard, poster board, etc.) and glue.

The children use the glue to make designs on their paper with seeds.

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Preschool Apple Activities Theme Block Center Ideas

Add mini apples, leaves, eater grass and toy trucks to your block area for some apple farm fun!

Look for local cultural ideas from your area for ways to theme up your block area. Preschool apple activities my not include orchards or farms. Perhaps yours will focus on the local produce department of the grocery store!

Also, add many non-fiction books to enhance your preschool apple activities theme throughout your classroom.

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Preschool Apple Activities Circle Time Ideas

Circle Time is such a great time for children to learn the social skills of being together as a large group AND to learn more about your theme!

Star in the Apple Story

This is a classic preschool apple activities type of story! The author is unknown to me, but we have enjoyed this story for years!  There are many versions of this that you can find online!

The Adventures of the Apple

Materials: An apple, a piece of paper and a pen

Tell the children they are going to help you write a story. We named ours the Great Apple Adventure! Write down what each child says so that you have it for compiling the book as discussed at the end of this activity!

This is a cooperative story telling technique that the kids LOVE because they are allowed to make it up! Note to you as the teacher: Remember that this is THEIR story, not yours! It will most likely NOT make sense. It may have the apple being given a time out. It may have the apple visiting a hospital. Go with it...children will use make-believe to talk about things that bother them, scare them or simply things on their minds!

I usually prepare the kids by telling them that in our stories, we use our classroom rules--we do not use bathroom words, we do not hurt each other (prevents too much make believe "violence" from happening). Those are the only rules. Try your best, as the teacher, not to tell them what to say next or what should happen next. Enjoy!

This is the story of the Great Apple Adventure! Once upon a time there were some apples that lived at XXXX Preschool. They wanted to go on an adventure. They went outside and they saw....

Have one child fill in the blank.

Continue the story. "The apples saw (fill in what the child just said) and then decided to.... (next child fills in).

This is a story that the children will want you to read over and over to them at circle time!

At the writing table, remind the each child what part of the story they made up and ask them to draw a picture about that one thing.

Use the pictures as the illustrations. Each page is in the order it was told and you write the words each child said on their illustrated page.

Make color copies of the book for each child to take home!

Guessing Game

Materials Needed: One apple, knife and cutting board.

Have the children guess how many seeds might be in your apple. Cut open and remove the seeds and count them together.

Great intro to your preschool apple activities theme!


Apples Falling

(Sing to Are you Sleeping).

Apples falling, apples falling

From the tree, from the tree.

Pick up all the apples. Pick up all the apples.

1,2,3 1,2,3

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Snack Recipe Ideas to Cook Up for Your Preschool Apple Activities Theme!

Cooking with children helps develop their math skills and helps them to learn how to follow directions. It also allows for some great conversation! Ask many questions while cooking with your children to encourage conversation! Be sure to ask specific themed questions while making these fun snacks!

Apple Snacks

Ingredients and Items needed: apples, peeler, corer (optional), sharp knife (for you to use), plastic knives for children to use, bowl, teaspoons, water, microwaveable bowl

Peel the apples. If you have an apple peeler/corer, even better! They attached to the table and the kids LOVE using it. I got mine from Pampered Chef, but they are available in many kitchen stores.

Cut large pieces of apple using your sharp knife.

Give each child a piece or two of apple and a plastic knife. Teach them how to cut the apples. REMIND THEM TO NEVER PUT THE KNIFE TO THEIR LIPS.

The children place their pieces in a bowl and add some water using a teaspoon.

Microwave a few minutes at a time until the apples are soft and can be squished with a fork.

Add cinnamon and sugar if desired.

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Preschool Apple Activities Theme Ideas to Transform Your Dramatic Play Area

Apple Restaurant

Provide the items needed to "make" apple pies! pie pans, measuring spoons and cups, bowls, wooden spoons, trays, menus, oven mitts, aprons and a table and chairs.

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Preschool Apple Activities Theme Ideas for your Easel--

More Than Just Painting (Although that is always THE favorite in our classroom!)

Apple Trees

Put red, green, yellow and brown paint at the easel. Hang many pictures of apple trees around your easel and classroom to inspire your budding artists!

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Preschool Apple Activities Theme Large Group Games that Help Build Your Preschoolers' Muscles While They Have Fun Together

Apple Tree Parachute Game

Have the children all sit in a circle on their knees. Tell them they are apple seeds and they should bend forward with their cheeks on the floor but still sitting on their knees.

Place the parachute over them so their feet are sticking outside of the outer edge of the parachute.

Tell them this is the soil covering them, the seeds.

Now act out, step by step, the seeds growing into a tree.

The seeds get bigger and bigger (they wiggle backward out of the chute, staying on their knees until they are all around the chute).

The seeds are now growing more because they are getting sunlight and water (they all hold the parachute and slowly squat up then stand up).

And now the seeds have grown into trees!

Now place some small, plastic or foam balls on the parachute and say the Apple Tree Fingerplay Poem!

Say the Apple Tree poem and then shake the parachute like crazy!

Apple Tossing

Materials: Provide baskets and paper. The children crumple up the paper and then toss it into the basket from different distances!

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Preschool Apple Activities Theme Ideas for Your Library

(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website.  If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )

Book Suggestions for the Library

Ten Red Apples by Pat Hutchins

The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall

Apples and Pumpkins by Anne Rockwell

How Do Apples Grow? by Betsy Maestro

Johnny Appleseed by Steven Kellogg

Orange Pear Apple Bear (Classic Board Books) by Emily Gravett

The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree by Gail Gibbons

Ten Apples Up On Top! by Theo LeSieg

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

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Preschool Apple Activities To Help Your Preschoolers Develop Their Math Skills and Develop the Small Muscles In Their Hands!

Small, Medium, Large

Materials: In advance cut out many apples using three different sizes and using three different colors (red, green, yellow).

Place them in your math/manipulatives area.

The children can use these to place in order of small medium large; sort by color; sort by size; count.


Materials: In advance, cut out 10 apple shapes from construction paper (make several sets so several children can do this activity at the same time). Draw apple seed shapes on them in increasing number (1, 2, 3). Laminate.

Provide apple seeds in a cup for the children to place the correct number of seeds on each apple.

Apple Preschool Theme Number Recognition Activity

Numbered Apples

Make a large apple tree on a piece of poster board.

Cut out apple shapes from construction paper (use apple colors!). Write a number on each apple. Laminate the apples and add Velcro to the backs. Add Velcro to random places on the apple tree.

The children place the numbers on the tree. You can do this at circle time (give each child an apple and ask "Who has the number 1? Please place it on our tree!). Then, leave this at the math station or in your Library area for the children to use on their own.

EXTENSION: In the past, I've also drawn the corresponding number of dots on the backs of each apple so the children could count the "seeds" OR recognize the number.

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Preschool Apple Activities Theme Music and Movement Activities and Ideas to get your Preschoolers Movin' and Groovin'!

Seed Music Makers

Materials: Small paper plates, markers or crayons, stapler, seeds.

The children decorate the paper plates.

Staple the plates together leaving small opening.

The children add seeds to the opening and you finish stapling it closed.

Use these as music makers for a parade, to use while dancing to music, etc.

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Preschool Apple Activity For Your Sand and Water Table!

Apple Orchard

Add sand, twigs, green and red sponge pieces and tissue paper to your sand table!

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Preschool Apple Activities Theme Science Activities--for your Preschool Scientists in Training!

How Wide?

Place pieces of string or yarn, apples, paper and markers in your science area.

The children choose an apple and wrap the yarn around it to see how wide their apple is. There are many things you can do with the results. You can make a "My Apple Book" (see Writing Activities section at the bottom of this page for this information); have the children cut the string once they measure and tape it to a piece of paper under their name. The children can then compare the different sizes of apples by comparing the strings.

Apple Exploring

Provide magnifying glasses and all types of apples and apple items for the children to explore such as:

apple seeds, a small jar of apple jelly; different colors of apples; apple sauce; dried apples, apple juice, etc.

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Writing Activity Ideas for Your Preschool Apple Activities Theme!

Apple Preschool Theme Tracing Activity

Apple Tracing

Provide apple shaped stencils for your children to trace onto paper.  Great fine motor skill!  Let them create their own colored apple using colored pencils, markers and crayons!

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Miscellaneous Activities for Your Preschool Apple Activities Theme!

Take a trip to a farm or a grocery store's produce department!

Preschool Apple Activities Theme Classroom Visitors

Some ideas for visitors:

Farmer, Baker, Grocery Store Produce Manager

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