Here are some preschool concert programs with ideas for snacks and a service project idea for each!
Our children LOVE to move......all the time! Here are some favorite songs to sing and move to. Encourage families to stand up and join in the fun!
(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website. If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )
Children can paint and decorate large musical notes (collage, paint, glue on miscellaneous arts and crafts). Provider smaller musical notes at the Writing Center for the children to print their name on and decorate. Help children trace their bodies and decorate them. Hang them on the walls in the classroom.
Healthy Foods such as Fruit salad, cheese and crackers, milk, water, juice
Collect donations for Wounded Warrior Project to help returning military who have lost their ability to use parts of their bodies.
Collect donations of healthy, non-perishable food for the local food pantry or community center to help families keep their children healthy and strong.
1. Counting Farm Animals (sing as you walk in)
One little, two little, three little farm animals.
Four little, five little, six little farm animals.
Seven little, eight little, nine little farm animals coming to sing some songs.
Ten little, eleven little, twelve little farm animals...continue until all children are accounted for!
2. If I Were a Farmer (act out the motions)
Sung to Have You Ever Seen a Lassie
Oh, if I were a farmer, a farmer, a farmer
Oh, if I were a farmer, what would I do?
I would milk the cows each morning
Each morning, each morning
I would milk the cows each morning, that's what I'd do.
Add more such as:
I would feed the baby chickens
I would gather eggs for breakfast
3. Mary Had a Little Lamb
Have children take on parts of: Mary, the Teacher, the Little Lamb and the "children" who laugh and play.
4. Farm Chores (act out the motions)
This is the way we ______, _________, ___________.
This is the way we ______
So early in the morning.
Some suggestions are: cut/mow the hay, feeding the chickens, weed garden, sow the seeds, hoe the field
5. Old MacDonald Song
Choose how many and which farm animals you will sing about and make large pictures or use stuffed animals for each.
For example: The class has 16 children. You want to sing about 4 animals--Cow, Chicken, Dog, Sheep
Make 4 large pictures of each animal (or have 4 stuffed animals for each animal).
Give the 1st 4 children a cow picture or stuffed animal, the next for a chicken, etc.
Encourage the children to hold up the animal when you all sing about it.
6. Chicken Dance
There are many versions of this song! I'm a fan of Greg and Steve's (see CD suggestion in the previous idea!)
Farm fresh fruits, veggies, muffins, milk,
Collect canned fruits and veggies for the local shelter or food pantry
Pick 4 or 5 favorite Nursery Rhymes. The children can act them out. Give the children props made on poster board to act out with. With enough props, you could have all the children take part in all Nursery Rhymes!
Examples: Hey Diddle Diddle; Jack and Jill; Humpty Dumpty; Little Miss Muffet
Brainstorm snacks that go along with the rhymes. For the suggested rhymes above: Cheese in the shape of a moon; water; egg salad sandwiches, yogurt (curds and whey!).
We start learning nursery rhymes when we are babies! Does your local Senior Center or church have a group of people who crochet infant hats for newborns? Donate yarn to their cause!
1. Down By the Bay (Raffi)
Have children hold up props that go along with each verse (you may need 2 children to hold duplicate props so they all have a part)
Hang a LARGE piece of flannel on the wall. Make it blue (for the bay), add watermelon and a Mom to the flannel.
As you sing each line, the children place their large felt pieces on the flannel that go with the verse!
Bear and a comb; Llamas and Pajamas; moose and a goose; goat and a coat; etc.
2. Baby Beluga (Raffi)
There are so many props you could make for this song! The children could stand in small groups and act out each part while the others sing.
The children could hold up decorated posters with ocean themed paintings they've made.
3. Fish Alive
Once I caught a fish alive (hold up one finger.)
6,7,8,9,10 Then I let it go again. (pretend to toss fish into water).
Why did you let it go? (Hold up hands and shrug shoulders).
Because it bit my finger so (Put hands on hips)
Which finger did it bite? (Hold up hands and shrug shoulders)
This little pinky on my right! (Have children hold up right hand sticking pointy finger up).
An alternative would be to have the children decorate their own fish in advance. Then, add the numbers on their fish. They can hold up their fish and make it swim while they sing.
Looking for the CD's for Raffi? Here's a bunch of them that are available!
Goldfish, of course (colored ones are fun!); orange slices (to go with the Down By the Bay's "Have you ever seen an orange wearing a blouse? Have you ever had a time when you couldn't make a rhyme!" part)
Save the Whales! Save the Seals! "Adopt" one from one of the organizations that offer them (check your local zoo or aquarium for more information).
1. Wheels on the Bus
Set up chairs for the children to sit in in a "bus" set up, include a driver!
2. Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Act out this song. Add different modes of travel to the song: Drive, drive, drive your car; Fly, fly, fly the plane; Choo Choo goes the train; etc.)
3. Traffic Light Song
Sung to Mary Had A Little Lamb
Can you see the traffic light, traffic light, traffic light?
Can you see the traffic light right there on the road?
Green means go and yellow means slow. Yellow means slow. Yellow means slow.
Green means go and yellow means slow.
And red means STOP! STOP! STOP!
The children can hold up traffic light colors. 1/3 have red, 1/3 green, 1/3 yellow.
4. Bear Hunt
Sounds crazy, but this is fun! If you prepare in advance, the children can help make the props for this or decide on what to use for each prop:
What will be the river (blue fabric? paper?)? The tree? The tall grass?
One year, we worked on one prop per month for each decoration. When we did our "Bear Hunt", which we did 2-3 times a month because the children loved it so much, we took out the props we made.
There are 2 wonderful but different versions that are my favorites!
Here is the Dr. Jean version that my preschoolers have LOVED year over year!
Another Preschool Tried and Approved (LOL) is the version by Greg & Steve here.
Square crackers and round cheese; Orange slices with pineapple pieces on them as sails; Graham crackers, cream cheese (tinted red, yellow and green); fruit (for the hungry bears!)
Host a car seat safety check with your local police department.
I saw this somewhere, but don't remember where from. Please let me know if you do this program!
Book: Whole World by Christopher Corr and Fred Penner
Over time, read and sing this song along with the book.
Work on art projects for the different parts of the story!
Make props (paintings, collage decorations) to go along with parts of the story to hold.
Food from around the world or from the different cultures that reflect the families in your program.
Ask parents to sign up for this. Be sure to let them know of any food allergies.
OxFam or other world mission
Throughout the year, save about 4-6 pieces of art from each child....from the easel, the writing center, the art table, playdough sculpting, whatever!
Display them at your program for an art show.
The kids can sing a favorite song about art!
1. The Color I See Song
Make paint pallet shapes. Cut out one of each color. Hold one up to show the children and families and have them sing this song together for each color. Check out the YouTube video below to get an idea of the tune!
2. Painting Fun
Sung to Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
I know the colors for painting fun:
Green like grass and yellow sun.
An Orange pumpkin and white snow.
A red rose and a black crow.
Blue like a mailbox, brown like an ape.
A pink pig and some purple grapes.
In advance, cut out large shapes of the 10 items in the song (grass, sun, pumpkin, snowman, rose, crow, mailbox, ape, pig, grapes).
Create as many more items as you will need for each child to hold one. Suggestions: paintbrush, paint palette (or several pallets), shape of a bottle of paint.
3. Crayons in the Box
Tune: Five Little Ducks
So many crayons in the box for you,
Red ones, yellow ones, blue ones too.
But the one little color that rhymes with (head)
It's a great color! It's the color....... (pause to let children yell it out!) (red)
Continue with all the colors.
Make many large crayons of different colors out of paper (this would be a great project for the children to work on throughout the year!).
As you sing this song, hand one of the large crayons to 2-3 children to hold. Sing about that color. Move on to the next.
Brainstorm creative colorful snacks!
You could have the Art Work for "sale" to the parents. The money earned goes to a local charity.
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