When it’s time for those little ones to move on to kindergarten, teachers like to include preschool graduation songs in the ceremony.
Graduating from preschool is a huge milestone in a child’s life and the celebration should be just as big!
There are several options for including music in your preschool graduation ceremony.
Let's look at each!
It is fun to have music playing while the children enter the room! It announces their arrival! There are many times during your ceremony to play music:
You might want a song that the children know and can relate to. You might choose a song that is sure to have your parents in tears--happy tears!
Here are some suggestions of my favorite tunes! You may already have the CDs in your classroom. If not you may find them at your local library to borrow. I have purchased my own CDs to have them from year to year. You can also purchase just one song (rather than the entire CD) as an MP3. I've included affiliate links below to see the options at Amazon!
From the Toy Story soundtrack, children as well as parents will recognize this one! This would be sweet to play with pictures of the kids with their friends.
From the Tarzan soundtrack, children will recognize this and both parents and teachers will relate to its message.
This one is sure to bring a smile to everyone’s faces! It’s a different version than Judy Garland’s, so a nice change on an old favorite.
This song would be GREAT to play as they walk in....and possibly start over and have them sing and act
out once they are all front and center! You can purchase this CD OR just the one song as an MP3.
From the Jungle Book soundtrack, the children would also recognize this one!
This song from The Little Mermaid is fun, upbeat and the children love it!
My absolute favorite for preschool graduation! So moving. I've used it for parent DVD photo montages that I make each year! Definite tear-jerker!
A hopeful and motivating song when seen as being directed toward children.
If you asked parents to send in pictures of themselves with their kids, this would be a good song to play with those.
Also works for parent & child pictures, or pictures of the teacher(s) with the kids.
A good reminder to parents and children that the children really are our future.
Puts into words what both teachers and parents feel for the children in their care.
A classic growing up song. I also use this in the DVD photo montage!
Make sure you provide lots of tissues while playing these preschool graduation songs – you’ll need them!
Of course, we all know that the real stars of the ceremony are the children, so why not let them sing to us?
One choice is to have the children perform a few simple songs or fingerplays relating to growing up, graduating, or saying good-bye.
Here are some adorable songs to sing at the graduation. Be sure to start learning these ahead of time so children have enough time to learn the lyrics.
You may want to include some motions as you sing these preschool graduation songs.
Fun in Preschool
Sung to: “I'll Be Working on the Railroad”
I've been having fun in preschool,
Learning all year long..
I can tell you all about it,
Just listen to this song.
We've been learning shapes and colors,
Letters and numbers too!
I've learned how to share with others,
Now our year is through!
I'm a Little Graduate
Original Author Unknown--Sung To: "I'm a Little Teapot"
I'm a little graduate
Dressed in red,
Wearing a gown
and a cap on my head.
When I leave preschool
I’ll be five
A kindergarten student
Aren't you proud of me?
Oh, We’re Off to Kindergarten
Copyright Mary Flynn - Songs4Teachers.com Used with permission
Sung to: “She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain”
Oh, we’re off to Kindergarten, yes we are!
Oh, we’re off to Kindergarten, yes we are!
Oh, we’re off to Kindergarten,
We’re off to Kindergarten,
Oh, we’re off to Kindergarten, yes we are!
And we won’t be here in Preschool anymore!
Oh we won’t be here in Preschool anymore!
Oh we won’t be here in Preschool,
We won’t be here in Preschool,
Oh we won’t be here in Preschool anymore!
Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
Kindergarten here we come
We know we'll have lots of fun
Lots of things to make and do
Reading Writing Counting too
Kindergarten here we come
We know we'll have lots of fun
To Kindergarten We Go
by Christa Koch
Sung to: "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
In Preschool we had lots of fun,
Lots of fun, lots of fun.
In Preschool we had lots of fun.
To Kindergarten we go.
We know our letters and 123s
How to share, and all about me.
In Pre-k we had lots of fun.
To Kindergarten we go.
(sung to the tune of New York, New York)
Start spreading the news
We're leaving today
We want to be a part of it
We've worked very hard
We're ready to go
We're gonna be a part of it
We know our ABC's and our 1,2,3's so well
We've worked at sounding out words and stories to tell
Just ask us to rhyme
We'll say hens and pens
We've learned to share and get along with all our friends
So now we made it here
We'll make it anywhere
We're on our way
You can modify this for children moving up from preschool to prek! Just replace the "Kinder-Garten" with "Prek! Prek!"
Playing music on a DVD you have made would be great! We've done this EVERY year!
We make a montage of pictures of the children from the year and put it to music!
I have details on how I do this! CLICK HERE for the Preschool Graduation Speech page to read about it!
I hope you enjoyed these ideas preschool graduation songs and music for your end of the year program!