Prodigal Son Preschool Theme

This Prodigal Son Preschool Theme page includes preschool lesson plans, activities and Interest Learning Center ideas for your Preschool Classroom for a one day focus on this Bible parable.

Let the Theme planning begin!  This parable can be found in your Bible in Luke 15:11-32

You can either scroll down through this page to see all of the preschool activities for your theme.

Or you can click the link below to go to specific preschool activity types you are looking for.

You'll find more themes to help you with your planning on my bible preschool themes page.

Prodigal Son Preschool Theme

To read my Statement of Faith, click here.

Prodigal Song Preschool Theme Art

Prodigal Son Preschool Theme Art Activity

Invitations to the Feast

Materials needed:  white paper, watercolor paint, brushes, cups of water

The children paint the paper in any designs they want.  

Tell them they are making invitations to the feast the father had when his son returned.  

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Prodigal Son Preschool Theme Block Ideas

Add people, play food and play pigs to the block area.  The children will know what to do with them!

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Circle Time Ideas for Preschool Prodigal Son Theme

Circle Time is such a great time for children to learn the social skills of being together as a large group AND to learn more about your theme!

Pass the Pigs

I LOVE this game!  You can find it on Amazon.  The way to play this game with keeping score is beyond a preschooler's ability, but would be fun to have and show the children (trust me, they will come up with their own way to play!)

You roll the pigs and see how they land (on their back, on their nose, on their side).

For adults, you are trying to match how they land to the cards in your hands.  For preschoolers, have all the cards out and face up to see if they can match the way their pigs landed to any of the cards.

During circle time, have the kids act out how their pig lands when they roll it on the carpet!

EXTENSION:   Put this game in the math/manipulatives area for more fun throughout your week!

Click here to check out the game!

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Prodigal Son Preschool Themes Dramatic Play Ideas


Encourage the children to cook a huge feast in your housekeeping area to represent the story.

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Easel Ideas for Your Prodigal Son Preschool Theme

Story Painting

Encourage the children to paint their own version of the story at the easel.

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Large Group Games for Your Prodigal Son Preschool Theme

Games to Help Your Preschoolers Build Their Muscles While They Have Fun Together!

Hide and Seek

Encourage your children to play hide and seek in a large indoor or outdoor area.  When a person is found, the seeker gives the child found a hug (or high five) and then those 2 continue looking for the rest.

Everyone participates in a group hug or group high five once everyone is found!

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Library & Literacy Ideas for Your Preschool Prodigal Son Theme!


Provide pig and people puppets along with a copy of the Prodigal Son book for the children to act out.

VARIATION:  Provide flannel board pieces and a flannel board in your library area.

Book Suggestions for the Library

(I LOVE Amazon, and some of the links below will take you to the Amazon website.  If you do choose to purchase yours through Amazon, they do send me a few cents--which supports my coffee habit! )

The Lost Son by Mission City Press Inc.

The Prodigal Son by Crystal Bowman and Valerie Sokolova

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Prodigal Son Preschool Theme Math Activities

To Help Your Preschoolers Develop Their Math Skills AND the Small Muscles in Their Hands!

Board Game

Make your own board game on a large piece of construction paper.  Glue the son on one end of the paper and a father character with arms outstretched at the other end.

Use or draw dots on a curvy path going from one character to the other across the paper.

Draw pictures on the board that go along with the story such as the brother, a pile of money, people having a party, pigs in mud, etc.

Use dice for the children to roll to take turns going across the board.

Use playing pieces to move (such as bingo markers or even mini pigs!).

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Prodigal Son Preschool Theme Music & Movement Ideas

To Get Your Preschoolers Movin' and Groovin'!

5 Little Pigs  (italic--sung to the tune of 5 Little Ducks)

Have the children sing this version of 5 Little Ducks, replacing the word "ducks" with "pigs" and replacing "quacks" with "snorts"!

5 little pigs went out to play.  Over the hill and far away.

Father pig called "snort, snort, snort, snort" but only 4 little pigs came snorting back.

4 little pigs went out to play.  Over the hill and far away.

Father pig called "snort, snort, snort, snort" but only 3 little pigs came snorting back.

Continue until "no little pigs came snorting back".

No little pigs went out to play.  Over the hill and far away.

Father pig cried "snort snort snort snort".......

And all 5 pigs came snorting back!

Talk to the children about the similarities between this song and the parable of the Lost Son.  The father in the song did not stop calling for his pigs and welcomed his pigs home with great joy.  

The father in the parable welcomed his son back with great joy.

God, our heavenly father, always wants His children to come back to him and celebrates with great joy when they come to Him!

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Prodigal Son Preschool Theme Sand & Water Table Ideas!

Prodigal Son Preschool Theme Water Table Fun

Water to Clean With

Provide water and dish detergent to your table.  Add dishes or farm animals to wash.

Be sure to provide towels to dry with.

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Writing Activity Ideas for Your Prodigal Son Preschool Theme

Prodigal Son Preschool Theme Writing Activity

Little Pigs!

Materials needed:  paper, pig stencils, colored pencils, scissors

The children can either trace pigs or draw their own and then color and cut them out.  Use them for the "Pig Sty" art project in the Art section of this page.  Or, have the children glue their pigs to paper and draw a picture of their own prodigal son on the picture.

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